Крюинговые компании
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Страна IndiaАдрес Plot No 48, Belle Vista, Plot no. 46,47,48, Sector 15, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614, India
Страна IndiaАдрес Plot # 94/C, Pratapgad, opp. IIT Main Gate, Hiranandani Gardens, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400076, India
SAFWAT BG Limited is a Bulgarian Crew Manning Agency, MLC 2006 licensed under permanent number 2135
Страна BulgariaАдрес Varna CenterOdesos, ul. "Tsar Simeon I" 29, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria
USC is a collaboration between Synergy Marine Group, a globally renowned ship management company, and Unity Maritime, a British shipping company that owns a fleet of 20 dry bulk ships of different sizes (Handymax, Supramax, Ultramax, Kamsarmax).
Situated in the maritime city of Varna, Bulgaria, celebrated for its rich tradition of maritime excellence, USC hope to bring a new dimension to crewing services.
The partnership will provide crew to a sizeable fleet from both the Unity Maritime and Synergy fleets with bold ambitions to extend our services to third parties soon.
US Crewing has already embarked on this journey of providing high-quality crewing management services and has already taken over crewing services for several ships from Unity and Synergy and many more ships to join in the coming months.
Страна BulgariaАдрес комплекс Хоризонт, Primorski, Приморски парк, 9000 Varna, Bulgaria
Страна IndiaАдрес Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India
Страна UkraineАдрес Vodoprovidna St, 34, Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, Ukraine, 54000
Fortuna International Ltd. надає різні послуги суховантажним суднам, які торгують по всьому світу. Ми починали з жменьки співробітників, але з роками наша компанія виросла і стала одним з найнадійніших імен у судноплавній галузі. Fortuna International Ltd. пропонує широкий спектр послуг, включно з прибиранням і обслуговуванням вантажних трюмів у дорозі, агентськими послугами, підводним оглядом і очищенням корпусу, постачанням на суда, бункеруванням, технічним обслуговуванням і ремонтом суден, послугами капітана порту та сюрвейєра, послугами кранівників і фрахтуванням. Наша висококваліфікована команда гарантує, що вантажні судна мають бути у відмінному стані, а команда наших операторів гарантує, що всі необхідні послуги будуть виконані.
Fortuna International Ltd. provides various services to dry cargo vessels trading worldwide. We have started with just a handful of employees, but over the years, our Company has grown to become one of the most trusted names in the shipping industry. Fortuna International Ltd. offers a wide range of services, including en-route cargo holds cleaning and maintenance, agency services, underwater inspection and hull cleaning, ship supply, bunkering, vessel maintenance and repair, port captain and survey services, crane operators and chartering. Our highly skilled Team ensures the cargo vessels should be in top condition, and our operators Team ensures that all the services to be done.
«Falcon» is a marine agency, which provides services related to all manning matters for merchant and offshore fleet with Ukrainian seafarers. Its main activity is crew management for ships managed and/or owned by our clients. We provide our clients with highly qualified seamen only. All our seamen pass strong multistage system of selection, in accordance with we provide you with proper crew who will meet all your requirements and expectations.
Страна NetherlandsАдрес Rivium Boulevard 201, 2909 LK Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands
To run a ship safely and efficiently, you need a committed, highly trained and reliable crew.
Kvarner Crewing Services provides first class seafarers for shipowners who expect the best. By working hand-in-hand with our clients, we build up the closest possible relationship between onboard personnel and the shipowner’s office staff.
Our seafarers are devoted to ensuring that the ships they serve on are operated to the best standards. We deliver the highest levels of performance and efficiency at a competitive cost.
We have a recruitment office based in Rijeka in Croatia and a network of recruitment offices in the Philippines, headquartered in Makati-Manila through a partnership with a local company.
“Marvel Marine” – молода крюїнгова агенція, заснована у 2016 році. MLC License ( ODS0/EKK/20230803095027 )
Наша місія – з’єднати судновласників з професійними та мотивованими українськими моряками.
Наша база даних постійно поповнюється.
Кваліфіковані менеджери допоможуть вам знайти роботу, яка відповідає вашим знанням та досвіду.
Наша компанія працює відповідно до вимог стандартів ISO та MLC.Будь ласка, надішліть заповнену анкету на адресу [email protected]
- You can contact us in Telegram/What's App +44-73-0884-9885
Dear Sir/Madam,
Greetings from Nepal!!
We are crew agency in Nepal and deploying Nepalese Crew for Yacht and Cruise ship so If you need Nepalese crew like Housekeeping, Galley, Bar and all hotel depart crew please contact to us.Hope I will get positive reply from you.
Best regards,
Prem Gurung
(Managing Director)
Kathmandu NepalGPO BOX 8973 NPC 873
Ph: 00977-1-4916818
Cell: 00977-9818904958
SKYP: prem.gurung
Email: [email protected] -
Страна SpainАдрес Done Bikendi Kalea, 8, Dpto. A, Abando, 48001 Bilbo, Bizkaia, Spain
We have a long history in the shipping business, dating back to 1919. In the 1920s, we established ourselves as a shipping and shipping company. All the experience acquired over the years have consolidated the company as one of the most prestigious companies in personnel management, training and selection.
All this experience has led us to have offices all over the world, managing to offer a personalized service to a multitude of shipowners throughout the world.
In our desire for professionalism and competence, we were one of the first shipping companies to obtain ISO Accreditation.
As a reward for our professionalism we have several awards, among which our pride should be highlighted; The Salvage Cup. The CANDINA ship saved an English crew from some German submarines, this feat was praised by the English Government with said cup.