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Our company provides work boats that are designed to be easy to maneuver, making them ideal for a wide range of jobs and projects. These vessels can be used to assist in a variety of tasks, such as ferrying crews between ships or from ships to the shore, transporting machinery and materials between ships and shore, and supporting diving teams during operations.
When you choose our services, you can rest assured that you will be accompanied by experts from our team who will ensure your safety throughout the entire process. Whether you need to transport materials, support diving operations, or carry out any other marine-related task, our work boats are well-equipped to meet your needs.
“Mistral Maritime Agency” specialize in providing intermediary services between seamen and ship owners. We would like to provide you with our services in manning the ships crew.
Страна BangladeshАдрес 597, 1 Masjidul Aksa Rd, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
Aristocrat Merchant Marine Services Limited is the one of the top manning agency in Bangladesh. At Aristocrat, we specialize in delivering comprehensive crew management solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of maritime businesses. Our wide range of services encompasses seafarer selection, recruitment, and contract management, all in accordance with ITF-approved agreements.
Backed by practical maritime experience, a dedicated team of experts, and an unwavering commitment to safety and quality, we stand as your dependable partner for all your maritime needs. At Aristocrat Merchant Marine Services, your success and satisfaction are our driving forces, and we look forward to serving you with excellence in the maritime industry. -
Bemaris Marine Company Ltd is a shipping company duly incorporated under laws of Malta that provides a high quality transportation of a general and dry bulk cargoes on a vessels flying under flag of Malta with deadweight 7900-10800 mtns. All vessels currently registered under class of RINA which is IACS member that guarantee a highest conformity to all latest EU and internationals requirements and regulations. We are focused on safe and efficient approach to carriage of cargoes which includes grains, minerals, fertilizers and various steel products.
Страна IndiaАдрес 101, Central Ave, Marg, Hiranandani Gardens, Sainath Nagar, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400076, India
Страна IndiaАдрес Central Business District, Railway Station, 66, Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 400614, India
Страна United Arab EmiratesАдрес 4529+8PW - Al Sufouh - Dubai Internet City - Dubai - United Arab Emirates
Ocean Force LLC is MLC 2006 and ISO 9001:2015 certified and licenced crewing company registered in Batumi, Georgia.
The company was established to provide professional and competent crewing services to our partners for their full satisfaction.
We specialize in the recruitment and selection of Georgian crew to serve as mariners aboard foreign-flagged vessels.
Доброго дня, Шановні Моремани!
Вас вітає морська агенція "Пульсар-Сервіс".
(https://opendatabot.ua/c/31192622)Наша компанія була заснована в 2000 році в місті Миколаїв.
До 2019 року ми виконували функції крюінга: працевлаштовували моряків.
З 2019 року ми надаємо консалтингові послуги, щодо оформлення морських документів.
В 2024 році плануємо відкриття офісу в Румунії та надавати послуги працевлаштування на торговий, пасажирський флот та офшор.
З 2012 року до 2016 року обслуговували великий рефрижераторний флот (Green Reefers).
На сьогодні у нас два офіси в м. Миколаєві та м. Одеса.
Зараз ми допомогаємо з питаннями пов'язаними з морськими документами.
Допоможемо Вам дистанційно вирішити будь-яке питання.
Контактні дані:
Viber/WhatsUp: +380634375596
E-mail: [email protected]
United Lloyd believes in a deep identification of the crew on board with the owner of the vessel. Our Seafarers are of the utmost importance because a hard-working, well-trained crew ensures the effective operation of the ship. The safety and welfare of our crew is our top priority, along with creating a tolerant, multicultural environment.
A big advantage that we have is the efficiency, competitiveness and flexibility of the value creation of our crew-staff ashore. This enables us to act quickly and diligently to deliver the best possible service.
United Lloyd provides a platform through which a bridge is built between the Seafarer and the Principal. We facilitate the creation of connections and relationships based on trust and the Seafarer should feel at home on board.
Страна UkraineАдрес Chorna, Odesa Oblast, Ukraine, 67911