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Founded on June 15th, 1951, Chipolbrok (Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Shipping Company) was the first joint venture in People’s Republic of China. Chipolbrok now has developed into an ocean shipping corporation with a net asset of over USD 600 million, a fleet of over 24 professional heavy lift vessels boasting a total capacity of over 1 000 000,000 DWT, and liners reaching all major global harbors.
Страна PolandАдрес Łużycka Office Park - Budynek B, Łużycka 6B, 81-537 Gdynia, Poland
Страна PolandАдрес Kasztanowa 9/16, 80-540 Gdańsk, Poland
Baltic Shipping Services has been established in 2012 and currently providing crewing services for such Owners like BSM, MSC, Chipolbrok (Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Company), Anglo-Eastern, and Diligent Holdings, keeping currently nearly 400 TOP4 officers and Junior officers on board . We have very well organized and manned offices in Gdansk, Poland and Riga, Latvia. We are providing highly professional and skilled seafarer's from Poland, Baltic States, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro and Romania.
Established in 2006, SEAMAR s.c. is a licensed recruitment agency providing crews to ships operated by foreign companies, one acting also as a full-scope crew management to some of them.
Страна PolandАдрес Władysława IV 43, 81-395 Gdynia, Poland
The vessels manned by ESSBERGER CREWING SERVICES GmbH , Hamburg are owned by the companies of the DAL/Essberger Group. Their commitment to quality and stability will ensure long term employment for loyal staff for many years to come.
Chemical and oil tankers. English language and advance chem&oil are a must.
Officers welcome to contact us. (MAS, CO, 2O, 2O, CE, 2E, 3E)
Cadets with basic chem&oil also welcome to send their application. -
Marlow Navigation Poland Lts is fully owned subsidiaty of Marlow Navigation Cyprus and member of Marlow Group.
Polaris Maritime Services Ltd. is one of the oldest crewing agencies on Polish market, started rendering its services in 1991.
ROMOR PHU has been present on the maritime market since 2000. Company was founded by C/E Roman Glowczynski who decided to retire from sailing after 25 years spent at sea. Having been authorized by National Employment Agency in 2002, we have branched out into employment agency for Mariners. In 2004 we extended the scope of our services, as ROMOR was signed up for the employment agencies registry by the Ministry of Economy, Labor and Social Policy as an agency providing overseas services for Mariners. Currently, we operate on the basis of the certification released by the Marshal Office of Pomeranian province (register no 10755) as well as the certification confirming full compliance with the MLC Convention 2006, obtained from the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia (certificate no 26) obtained from the Director of the Maritime Office in Gdynia. Click HERE to see our certificates.
The prime objective of our company is to recruit and employ most qualified and experienced mariners on behalf of foreign shipowners. It is a top priority for us to verify records of applying mariners and ensure that their qualifications meet the requirements and standards of the shipowners. -
In 1990, after over 20 years of sea service under Polish and foreign flags, Captain Sławomir W. Pietrusiewicz established one of the first crewing agencies in Poland. The idea was to meet the highest standards of international shipping from one side and fulfill the expectations of seamen for trusted and friendly manning agent on the other side.
Since the very beginning of our manning activities Balteam has complied with Polish Government Regulations and was listed in official Register. We have the honor to be a member of APMAR (Association of Polish Manning Agents and Shipowners Representatives) the organization that take active part to co-ordinate and consult all tasks between Maritime Offices, Government and Trade Unions.
In 2002, Baltic Marine Agency Gdańsk was licensed with BVQI ISO 9001 : 2000 quality certificate.