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Oceanwide is an international maritime HR services company that specializes in recruitment and payroll in the Maritime and Energy sectors. The services range from recruitment, employment, crewing, international payroll, travel and insurances as well as specialised offshore catering and maritime training.
From August 2024 we are also reachable in Klaipeda, Lithuania.
Страна LithuaniaАдрес Naujoji Uosto g., Klaipėda, Klaipėdos m. sav., Lithuania
“SAILINGA” was established as crewing company in Klaipeda, Lithuania (Baltic Sea) in August 1998.
Personal employment on different types of offshore and merchant fleet vessels.
Being flexible and experienced in daily work with the Clients worldwide, and being anxious for further success in our business, we can meet nearly all demands of our potential Client, what consequently, makes us justifiably proud of our reputation as a consistently dependable source of quality individuals to the marine sector. We hope you will also see that our organized teamwork ensures a harmonious working environment both at sea and ashore, which in turn leads to a far superior service in limited time frames to our valued Clients.
Страна LithuaniaАдрес Unguros g. 15, Trušeliai, 92337 Klaipėdos r. sav., Lithuania
Established in 2022, GW Services is one of the industry’s fastest growing staffing services, with the vision like no other. Thanks to our longstanding experience in various industries onshore as well as offshore, we come with a large baggage of expertise, contacts and understanding. GW has the capacity to build meaningful, long-lasting relationships with all our present and future clients. Our success is a result of our commitment to the best people and people only. The best solutions lead to best results!
Страна LithuaniaАдрес Taikos pr. 24A, Klaipėda, 91222 Klaipėdos m. sav., Lithuania
"Norspeda Agency" is representing Scandinavian Shipping companies and operating as per MLC standarts.
We have good experience in coordinating employment , especially for maritime industry Quality, service and professional work is our daily work rule. Our policy is to work with serious and professional companies and create a good relationship and benefit of all parties.
"Norspeda Agency" is always looking for experienced, qulified, competent, self-motivated and good English speaking candidates. You are welcome to contact our office for further information. All categories are welcome to present their data.
Our recruitment department email: [email protected]. Recruitment dept. Tel. +370 46319190; mob. +37061022996
The company is established in 2013 by professionals with more than 20 years of experience in crewing, shipping and sea business, employing personnel on different types of offshore and merchant fleet vessels.
We are aimed to build long-term, stable and reliable relationships with both customers and seafarers. Our company can supply ship-owners with experienced seafarers, catering staff, from one crewmember to the whole crew, ratings and officers from Baltic States (EU), Russia or Ukraine. -
OJ Crew Lithuanian based Manning Company is Licensed and MLC 2006 certified international HR crew management services provider for maritime, By forming sustainable relationships built on loyalty, knowledge and reliability we provide recruitment services of substance and value. We conduct ourselves with professionalism, accountability and work excellence, continually striving to identify the best recruitment practice procedures whilst innovating the highest industry standards.
Working with Merchant and Offshore Clients
Please send your CV applications to follow emails: [email protected]
Mob. : +370 631 68402
Cell Tel: +37046494544
Office email: [email protected]
OJ Crew is always looking for self-motivated, experienced, competent candidates with good English skills and qualification. You are welcome to contact us for further information. Our company does not take fees or scam You in any other way. You get what the possible employer offers.
All candidates are welcome to present their data.
We are crewing agency "Saga" in Lithuania.
We have more than 32 years of experience, starting from 1991.
We would like to invite you to fill in your application in our database: http://saga.crewinspector.com/public/
You can see our open vacancies at any time on our web page: www.sagaagency.com
Also you cand end your CV to: [email protected]
If you have any question, please feel free to contact us on telephones: +370 46 410 785; +370 46 310 997