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Страна LatviaАдрес Malduguņu iela 4-building B, office 212, Mārupe, Mārupes pagasts, Mārupes novads, LV-2167, Latvia
Oceanwide is an international maritime HR services company that specializes in recruitment and payroll in the Maritime and Energy sectors. The services range from recruitment, employment, crewing, international payroll, travel and insurances as well as specialized offshore catering and maritime training.
Oceanwide's history dates back to 1976, when the first office founded in Vlissingen, the Netherlands. Oceanwide operates from two regions. In the North Sea region we have offices in the Netherlands, Baltic States and Cyprus. In the Gulf of Mexico region we have offices in USA, Mexico and Curacao. A large network of recruitment partners and agents in maritime countries complements the Group.
As of November 2024 Oceanwide opened a new office in Latvia, Riga.
Ultramarin SIA was founded in Riga in 2009. Company founders hold crewing experience from 2003 and seagoing experience in senior officers position. Crew management and related processes are our main business. Our philosophy is in individual approach to each client, based on that we provide best quality-price ratio services with emphasis on quality.
SIA Scandinavian Ship Services was established in 2001 with the aim of collaborating with shipowners from various countries to provide them with highly qualified maritime personnel. The company is located in Liepaja, Latvia.
Please fallow us also in social media:
Telegram: https://t.me/ssscrewing
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/scandinavian-ship-services
Crewing Company in Latvia
Страна LatviaАдрес Krišjāņa Valdemāra iela 33 -52, Centra rajons, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvia
We are looking for genuine people with a real passion for ships!
At Anglo-Eastern, we work to the highest standards for our clients and seafarers alike, offering both long- and short-term opportunities with shipowners all over the world.
As an Anglo-Eastern seafarer, we look after you, focusing on your health, education and welfare. The vessels you sail on are suitable and fully compliant with industry standards, as we never compromise on quality or safety.
Our people are the core of Anglo-Eastern and we take great pride in the strong working relationships we have with our seafarers and
SIDC Group is one of the leading companies in the Baltic States engaged in Cruise Ship personnel selection and job placement services. Recruitment is our work, our life and purpose. Since 2000 we are engaged in recruiting services. Huge attention in our work is paid to VIP service. Our company's goal is clear and unambiguous - we are looking for people, appreciate, learn about their strengths and weaknesses, recommend and cooperate, and continue searching. We consult our clients in the recruitment process and in hire, do it for a long time and successfully!