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SAKR MANNING AGENCY is certified manning agent based in Port Said, Egypt. Our license No. 794 Has issued from Egyptian Ministry of Manpower. We can provide you with the best crewing services employing various of Egyptians nationality . All our seamen are thoroughly checked for authenticity of their certificates/licenses and are fully equipped with STCW1995 as amended 2010. We are supply vessels as food , all provision and all catering services in Egyptian Ports We can provide your good company with a variety of services in respect to any flag state and we additionally monitor the performance of all crew members through confidential reports from the vessel. We are able to carry out all necessary arrangements for relieving crew from travel arrangements to all with agents and the vessel to ensure there are no problems .
Our Crew Management section provides crew management services to the other party Operators as well. Crew Management services encompass A-Z related activities and some of them are listed below:
- Searching/screening of qualified seafarers
- Selection throughout interviewing and appropriate tests
- Checking validity of licenses, STCW-95 and amended 2010 and medical fitness certificates
- Crew changes & rotation
- Crew wages administration and payroll preparation
- Competence Management
- Logistic arrangements such as visas, flights schedule, on and off signing attendance
- Providing flag state documents where required
- Travel Agency related to seafarers
- Medical team to do the Medical Annual Check up
- Medical team to do the OGUK Certificate
In addition to the above, our Commercial and technical departments may provide for:
- Flying Team for dry-dock assistance
- Spare Parts Supply
- Provisions and consumable supply (quotation service at any port in Egypt )
Waiting your confirmation for future mutually co-operation,
Best regards
Mr .Osama Sakr | General Manager | Sakr Manning Agency | Tel : 002066 3699271
Head Office : Port Said , Egypt
Licence no.: 794 ,ISO 9001:2015 & RINA MLC 2006 Certified |
Mob: +201009250111 I E-mail : [email protected] I www.sakrshipping.com
Страна EgyptАдрес 4 El Hegaz St, El-Bostan, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate 4460223, Egypt
National Navigation Company was established in 1981 to implement the strategy adopted by the Egyptian government aimed at developing the Egyptian commercial fleet by giving the opportunity to companies and individuals to own commercial vessels without a maximum payload.
National Navigation Company is considered the largest shipping Egyptian company specialized in shipping dry cargo among the world’s largest ports. It is also responsible of conducting regular liner lines for vessels owned or chartered for shipping general cargo among ports in Northern and Western Europe, the Adriatic, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea.
We are proud to Own 12 Bulk Carriers and 1 Container Vessel.
We have the pleasure to serve the Maritime Industry and the people involved. We have build a widespread network with our local and international partners through the years since we were established in the Year 2015 as Spark HTS (Heat Treatment Systems) and the owners have established a sister company named SeaServ Marine Services and Agencies LLC (SSMA). SSMA is currently continuing its business to offer it's clients and partners with the best quality of marine services, Agencies and products. We have a wide network in maritime projects managemet and a wide pool of professionally selected workmanship that will satisfy industry needs. Our business partners combine to form a strong base for efficient and firm services and projects start ups until to successful delivery to our loyal clients.