Крюинги Греции
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Dear seafarers, please contact +79788127093 (WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber) for more information about vacancies.
COSMOS Marine Management is the leading Crew Management Company in Greece. COSMOS Marine Management is focusing on the employment of experienced, duly certified and qualified seamen for a large fleet of vessels, consisting of bulk carriers, tankers, reefers, containers and passenger vessels.
COSMOS Marine Management SA is established in 1991 by four port-captains with ample experience in crewing.
The company maintains a large network of well-established crewing offices around the world.
COSMOS Marine Management proposes numerous job offerswith reliable shipowners, who offer attractive working and living conditions, long term employment and fast promotion oppotunities to good professionals.
DELTA Tankers Ltd. was established in 2006 to manage a modern fleet with a total deadweight in excess of five (5) million tons.
Through its long-standing commitment to safety and by providing high quality services to its clients while striving to continuously minimize the impact of its activities to the environment, DELTA Tankers Ltd. has secured a leading role as an international ship manager and operator.
DELTA Tankers Ltd. is committed to maintaining its leading position in the shipping market and its optimum operational, quality, environmental and safety standards by constantly meeting the needs of the shipping industry for safe and efficient world-wide marine transportation.
MARMARAS Navigation Ltd. was established in 1976 to manage a versatile fleet of twenty-nine (29) bulk carriers with a total deadweight in excess of four (4) million tons.
Through its long-standing commitment to safety and by providing high quality services to its clients while striving to continuously minimize the impact of its activities to the environment, MARMARAS Navigation Ltd. has secured a leading role as an international ship manager and operator.
MARMARAS Navigation Ltd. is committed to maintaining its leading position in the shipping market and its optimum operational, quality, nvironmental and safety standards by constantly meeting the needs of the shipping industry for safe and efficient world-wide marine transportation.
Thalpis manning and crew management service solutions are tailor-made to support the crewing needs of individual ship owners, operators and managers allowing them to focus on the technical and commercial operations of their vessels. Thalpis provides a multi-national pool of well-trained and competent professionals who are selected and developed in accordance with your specific needs for a variety of cargo, tanker, chemical, LNG, offshore, cruise, ferry, leisure and specialized vessels. Through vigorously negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreements, Thalpis is able to offer the most competitive wage scales backed up by bespoke customer service
Novelty Shipmanagement S.A. is the Ship Management Company, that has vessels, General Cargo/Bulk Carrier from 12000 to 50000 DWT, at its disposal.
- Greek and Marshall Islands flagged vessels
- Vessels from top-tier yards (Mitsui, DACKS, Huyndai Samho and Hyundai Mipo)
- Average age of dry fleet of less than 4.5 years
- Dry bulk carriers
Страна GreeceАдрес 127, Leof. Andrea Siggrou 11745, Athina 117 45, Greece