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Страна BangladeshАдрес 597, 1 Masjidul Aksa Rd, Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
Aristocrat Merchant Marine Services Limited is the one of the top manning agency in Bangladesh. At Aristocrat, we specialize in delivering comprehensive crew management solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of maritime businesses. Our wide range of services encompasses seafarer selection, recruitment, and contract management, all in accordance with ITF-approved agreements.
Backed by practical maritime experience, a dedicated team of experts, and an unwavering commitment to safety and quality, we stand as your dependable partner for all your maritime needs. At Aristocrat Merchant Marine Services, your success and satisfaction are our driving forces, and we look forward to serving you with excellence in the maritime industry. -
Mariners Source providing high-quality crew sourcing and recruitment service to meet the expectations of premier employers. It has committed itself to provide the right kind of ship crewing for clients vessels and to emerge as a total crew sourcing and recruitment service provider. Having its operating office in Italy, Ukraine, Bangladesh, India, and Indonesia is an added advantage to recruit several countries crews for our valued clients fleet Offshore vessel, Bulk carrier, Oil tanker, Container, LPG, LNG Etc.