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Страна United KingdomАдрес Southfields Industrial Park, Hornsby Square, Basildon SS15 6SD, UK
Страна United KingdomАдрес Port of Liverpool Building, Brunswick St, Liverpool L3 1BP, UK
MNR is an independent company which carries out high quality, bespoke recruitment and administration services for its Clients worldwide.
MNR has for 20 years provided its specialised services to the marine and offshore industry earning a reputation for excellence, reliability, hard work, being able to meet and exceed Client requests.
With MNR’s expansion into the Far East it is now in a position to strengthen its position, as a worldwide recruiter and marine administrator.
Seagoing, Shore and Offshore staff registered with MNR have placed their CV with a company that deals directly with a large high quality group of Clients which represent many aspects of the marine industry.
MNR handles the administration functions for all European and Former Soviet Union countries removing the need for expensive local offices in those countries whose practices may not complement the Clients activities.
MNR is well known within the recruitment aspect of the shipping industry, with clients ranging from oil and gas tanker operators to the container, offshore, ferry and drilling sector employers. By placing your c.v with us you can be assured of our constant attention to help you achieve your personal goals of career advancement and security within the rapidly evolving world of the shipping industry
Our team has many years of exposure to the ever changing and demanding sphere of recruitment to temporary, contracted and permanent placements at both junior and the most senior level. We are specialists in our field and by maintaining constant exposure to the markets throughout varied contacts we are able to offer prompt and accurate guidance to both clients and candidates on up-to-the-minute issues which confront us all on a daily basis.
We recognise that candidates are frequently seeking employment on an immediate basis, but on other occasions a more long term view needs to be considered. Whatever your personal reasons for contacting us, do be assured that we always endeavour to offer our best advice and effort at all times
MNR staff are multi-national and very experienced in their chosen field. Established in 2001 we continue to offer exceptional service at very competitive rates to employers.
Underpinned by the wealth of expertise and knowledge of our staff base, and a presence in the marine industry stretching back over 100 years, Malin Group offers a comprehensive range of services and capabilities. Our dedicated team continue to provide a solid blend of theory, experience and practical knowledge to assist clients on complex global projects.
Our group of companies have been built from the ground up to offer seamless support to clients across the full range of design consultancy, marine operations and shipping, fabrication, installation and site maintenance services.
we are a specialized crew management agency who provides different nationalities to leading offshore clients in ARAMCO, QATAR PETROLEUM, ADNOC.
Страна United KingdomАдрес Enterprise Centre, Aberdeen Energy Park, Exploration Dr, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB23 8GX, UK
Страна United KingdomАдрес Port of Liverpool Building, Brunswick St, Liverpool L3 1BP, UK
MNR is an international maritime recruiter and administration company which supplies international marine staff to the leading tanker, container and offshore companies.
We do not deal with any local Russian agencies and all employment is direct with our Clients not through any agency.
BBL is a successful technical recruitment consultancy based in London and with presence in Holland, Norway and Spain. We specialize in providing professionals to the international oil & gas, shipbuilding, petrochemical, power generation, building & Civil Engineering and construction industries both onshore and offshore.