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Страна SpainАдрес Done Bikendi Kalea, 8, Dpto. A, Abando, 48001 Bilbo, Bizkaia, Spain
We have a long history in the shipping business, dating back to 1919. In the 1920s, we established ourselves as a shipping and shipping company. All the experience acquired over the years have consolidated the company as one of the most prestigious companies in personnel management, training and selection.
All this experience has led us to have offices all over the world, managing to offer a personalized service to a multitude of shipowners throughout the world.
In our desire for professionalism and competence, we were one of the first shipping companies to obtain ISO Accreditation.
As a reward for our professionalism we have several awards, among which our pride should be highlighted; The Salvage Cup. The CANDINA ship saved an English crew from some German submarines, this feat was praised by the English Government with said cup.