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Our company’s name is “Crew Agency Akkerman”. We have the Government Licence AB 585187 from 03.07.2012, Issued by the Ministry of Work of Ukraine, ISO 9002 Certificate.
Страна Russia
“Volans” and its subsidiary “Volan-Sea” are one of the leading and the most experienced crewing agencies in Ukraine that specialize on selecting qualified personnel for cruise vessels and yachts.
We are still the sole and exclusive crewing agents for Louis Cruise Lines since 1997 and since 2004 we started cooperation with Princess Cruises ( Bermuda Company). We are also crewing agents for AIDA Cruises, Panstar Lines, Swan Hellenic, Mano Maritime as well as Louis Hotels.
At present our crew is working on board more than 40 cruise vessels of Princess Cruises, Cunard Lines, Louis Cruise Lines and other vessels of our Principals (25 vessels out of 40 carry over 1500 passengers).
About 1000 new joiners are embarking the vessels of our Principals through our company every year.
All managers of “Volans” and “Volan-Sea” have strong sea-going experience, most of them on board the vessels of our Shipowners, which enables us to select, train and inform our candidates in conformity with the standards set by our Principals.
Marine agencies “Volans” and “Volan-Sea” possess all the state licenses and certificates that are necessary for legal crewing activities in Ukraine.
.Основна мета нашої компанії – це надання якісних послуг з працевлаштування наших співвітчизників на судна іноземних судновласників, відповідно до рівня, що відповідає вимогам міжнародного стандарту ISO 9001:2015. Щороку наша компанія підкорює нові простори і відкриває нові можливості в морській сфері, як для себе, так і для моряків. З кожним роком наша компанія отримує все більше позитивних відгуків і рекомендацій, як від найвищих ланок - наших судновласників, так і від людей, без яких наша робота була б неможливою - моряків.
Прагнення компанії на даному етапі розвитку спрямовані на завоювання і збереження лідируючих позицій серед різноманітних крюїнгових компаній, за рахунок надання конкурентних послуг, що відповідають вимогам споживачів і підтримки позитивних емоцій в серцях моряків.
Колектив морської компанії «Епсілон» спрямовує всі свої сили і бажання на вдосконалення організаційної структури, чітко виконуючи всі функції в процесі посередництва і підбору персоналу. Ми усвідомлюємо свою роль і відповідальність, тому взяли за основу один з фундаментальних факторів успішної роботи - це моряк, як особистість, а потім і клієнт, якому потрібна робота. В офісі на Вас очікує тепла і невимушена атмосфера, максимум уваги приділяється проблемам моряків і їх сімей. Керівники компанії, досвідчені менеджери крюїнгу, чарівні дівчата-оператори завжди готові надати консультації з питань, що вас цікавлять, і зробити все можливе для успішного працевлаштування кожного клієнта.
Страна UkraineАдрес 10/2, Marshala Hovorova str. Odessa, Ukraine
Alpha Navigation, created in 1997, has been providing crew management, crewing services and supplying vessels with competent and professional Ukrainian and Filipino crew consistently throughout the years. We recognize the importance of providing qualified crew on both sides - at sea and onshore. We accomplish this by personally screening each and every perspective applicant through rigorous competence, fitness, and English language comprehension tests to bring our clients the very best people. In accordance to the Shipowner's demands, the designated Crew Superintendent selects and employs the command and crew for the vessel. We make sure to comply with all internal Quality Standards, IMO, STCW, ISO requirements, and the vessel's manning stipulations. We maintain our high standard of excellency through performance appraisals and continuous upgrade training for our crews; our client's satisfaction and success is of the utmost importance to us. Read more: http://www.alncc.com/
Страна Ukraine
Морская компания Вита Маритайм осуществляет набор экипажей на контейнеровозы и балкера судовладельцев Германии, Сингапура, Великобритании, Австралии и Израиля.
Трудоустройство моряков на суда иностранных судовладельцев.
Crewing Marine Agency “A.T.T. Bermudas“ is a private company organized and existing under the Laws of Ukraine has his own registered office in the port area of Mariupol which is traditionally called “ The Sea Gate of Donbass” at 35, Lunin Av., Mariupol, Ukraine, 87510.
Since its foundation in 1993 our company has been specializing in recruitment of seafarers for our partners and from the beginning was the only one private enterprise coming into the crewing market of Mariupol.
The professional skills of our staff made us the biggest, reputable crewing agency in Mariupol and the experience of our worldwide activity shows that we are the Company that seamen and ship owners can trust.
Providing the highly skilled service we have gained good results. During the last years we continuously have around 500 seafarers working on different types of vessels: dry cargo and container ships, bulk and timber carriers, tankers, Ro-Ro vessels, Reefers and tugs.
Our Ukrainian seafarers are well known around the world and the number of them working under foreign flags reached 40.000, the third highest after Philippines and Russians. And over 28.000 of them are employed by Greek Shipowners.
The main reason of successful export of Ukrainian seamen is their high professional and educational level and as a rule they have a good knowledge of English. Our sailors can work in mixed crews, adapt rather quickly and easily. This has great appeal to foreign employers since the combination of professionalism, skills and coordination is very significant in such specific human resource market as marine crewing.
All of “A.T.T. Bermudas “ candidates possess the abovementioned attributes. We are proud to say that we have the similar unlimited choice of skilled marine specialists and as professionals we are able to offer the customers highly qualified seafarers. On the other hand we propose the seafarers to take into consideration that our company afford an opportunity of the stable work and can guarantee personal approach to each candidate during his service on board and certain assistance his being at shore.
I hope you’ll see the real opportunity in our proposal and we would welcome the chance of discussing your needs immediately supplying the vessels with our best personnel. The experience we have gained makes us confident that you won’t be disappointed.
Cpt. Valentyn Plavelskyy
President of "A.T.T.-Bermudas" -
Crewing. Evromarine Service LTD - is approved centre for MARLINS TEST
Welcome to “INTERSHIP LTD.”, a dynamic agency and consulting company expanding worldwide recruitment of high quality Ukrainian Seafarers all over the world, with a team of skilled professionals providing the highest quality of service.
Headquartered in Odessa, “INTERSHIP LTD.” has successful diversified into many different areas of shipping activities such as, logistics, consulting and recruitment.
Each client's needs are unique. At “INTERSHIP LTD.” we strive to meet these needs and to form strategic, long-term partnerships with our clients. We believe in satisfying our clients so we may continue to grow and prosper together. Meeting these needs is our driving force.
We have developed strong relationships with Local Authorities and Administrations, National Marine Administrations and Marine Authorities of Ukraine that we believe are the direct result of the quality of our service. -
Трудоустройство моряков!