Baltic Shipping Services Poland Sp. z o.o.
PolandKasztanowa 9/16, 80-540 Gdańsk, Poland
- Телефон: +48(797)208-393
- Электронный адрес: Войдите, чтобы увидеть e-mail
- Сайт:
- На сайте: c 07.03.2023
- Вакансий на сайте: 12 вакансий на сайте
Baltic Shipping Services has been established in 2012 and currently providing crewing services for such Owners like BSM, MSC, Chipolbrok (Chinese-Polish Joint Stock Company), Anglo-Eastern, and Diligent Holdings, keeping currently nearly 400 TOP4 officers and Junior officers on board . We have very well organized and manned offices in Gdansk, Poland and Riga, Latvia. We are providing highly professional and skilled seafarer's from Poland, Baltic States, Ukraine, Croatia, Montenegro and Romania.
Вакансии Baltic Shipping Services Poland Sp. z o.o.
25.01.2025 (4 месяца)
25.01.2025 (4 месяца)
23.01.2025 (4 месяца)
31.01.2025 (5 месяцев)
01.02.2025 (5 месяцев)
31.01.2025 (4 месяца)
02.02.2025 (4 месяца)
31.01.2025 (3 месяца)
20.01.2025 (4 месяца)
31.01.2025 (4 месяца)
30.01.2025 (3 месяца)
31.01.2025 (3 месяца)