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Страна RussiaАдрес Pionerskaya grove, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353925
Columbia Shipmanagement Office (St. Petersburg) was opened on 2004 with the main aim to recruit seamen from Russia for work on international vessels. Columbia Shipmanagement Ltd. belongs to a group of Shoeller Holding.
Company’s fleet contains about 350 different type vessels (Tankers, Containers, Multipurpose and Heavy lifts). Company takes an active part in shipbuilding all over the world.
Most of the vessels are flying Marshall Islands, Liberia and Singapore flags, which are known for its high demands to the ships, seafarers safety and living conditions.
The company’s head office is located in Cyprus. Cyprus, Hamburg and Singapore offices are certified by Germanischer Lloyd Classification Society.
CSM has a network of offices all over the world, and the number is constantly growing.
We need professionals with experience on tanker and container vessels. We offer professional career growth, medical insurance and a partial compensation of training and documents renewal expenses.
If you want to be a part of our big CSM family - Join us!
Страна RussiaАдрес Ulitsa Gubernskogo, 4, 29, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353900
Более 20 лет мы занимаемся комплектацией российских экипажей для судов торгового флота различных государств мира, стараясь быть Вашим надежным партнером. Мы ценим каждого нашего клиента и в своей работе мы руководствуемся двумя основными принципами - "Наши клиенты - Наша деловая репутация" и "Профессиональные экипажи - Наша стратегическая инвестиция". Два этих принципа позволяют нам предлагать клиентам только лучший сервис и объединять интересы морских специалистов и судовладельцев в общий бизнес.
Страна RussiaАдрес Pereulok Zvonkiy, 9, 5, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353912
Мы предлагаем работу в море опытным квалифицированным специалистам и создали пул трудолюбивых и амбициозных студентов старших курсов мореходных учебных заведений для кадетских программ. Наша политика – одинаковое внимание к потребностям моряков и их работодателей. Мы верим в преимущества персонального отбора в дополнение к компьютерному тестированию, инвестируем средства в профессиональное обучение моряков и сами обучаем морскому английскому так, чтобы мы могли отвечать за тех, кого трудоустраиваем. Мы постоянно расширяем нашу базу данных и приглашаем моряков и заинтересованные компании к долгосрочному сотрудничеству.
Страна RussiaАдрес Prospekt Lenina, 42, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353960
Страна RussiaАдрес Ulitsa Mira, 29, 1, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353900
- подбор моряков любого ранга в соответствии с запросами владельцев судов или операторов;
- комплектация специализированных ремонтных бригад;
- организация визовой поддержки;
- помощь в подготовке документов для получения УЛМ (удостоверение личности моряка) и мореходной книжки.
Страна RussiaАдрес Ulitsa Mira, 29, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353900
BSM CSC Russia - Novorossiysk
BSM CSC Novorossiysk is a company established in Novorossiysk offering crew manning services for Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (previously known as Hanseatic Shipping Company Ltd.) BSM-CSC Novorossiysk is a highly integrated maritime services company and market leader in quality, versatility and fleet size. The company works in tight cooperation with Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, since August 2006.
BSM CSC Novorossiysk commenced its activities in 1994 as a crewing agency "Novohim" and in 1998 it was renamed to "Continent Ltd" and is currently known as "BSM-CSC Novorossiysk Ltd" company. The company is formed and headed by Mr. Viktor Ionin who has sea-going experience and extensive manning experience being the head of the Crew manning agency for over sixteen years.
BSM CSC Novorossiysk shore office is located in Novorossiysk - the biggest port in the South of Russia and the center of concentration of modern tanker fleet and tanker specialists.
BSM CSC Novorossiysk poses an official license on recruitment and replacement of the Russian seafarers abroad, issued by Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation. Our Marine Personnel consist only from officers and top officers which we recruit for the following types of vessels: Oil / Chemical Tankers, OBO, Bulk carriers, Ro-Ro Carriers, Container and Dry Cargo vessels.
The Company’s files and internal database are being constantly updated with the seafarers information and documentations. The obligatory demand to all new applicants is to have high English language efficiency skills, good working experience with multi-national crews and the possession of all valid Certificates in accordance with SOLAS, STCW-78/95 and other International Standards. We use English Language Test by Marlin, CEC and SETS+ systems to assess the English knowledge of the prospective crews on board of BSM vessels. Before assigning to work all our candidates must undergo all obligatory tests in compliance with International Maritime Regulations.
We are able to perform all customary management functions related to crewing in accordance with Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Policy and Regulations.
BSM CSC Novorossiysk would make every effort to satisfy your requirements and requests that would be handled with greatest care and attention. -
Страна RussiaАдрес Ulitsa Isayeva, 4, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353905
Страна RussiaАдрес пр. Дзержинского, 183, Novorossiysk, Krasnodarskiy kray, Russia, 353920