Крюинги Литвы
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Крюинговые компании Литвы
Страна LithuaniaАдрес Minijos g. 127, 93212 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Company Velifera was founded in 2009 in Klaipeda, Lithuania by a group of skilled and reputable Marine Experts and now We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves also as a Crewing company.
Our mission is to provide professional and competent crew manning services to Shipowners/Managers which will support and encourage safe and efficient ship operations and management, as well as to help qualified marine officers and crew to realize their highest potential and knowledge and to find permanent job at sea.
As a crewing agency we carry out all the necessary documentation, arrange trips, settle matters that may arise during the contract period, verify the certificates, licenses, diplomas, and candidates’ knowledge of English. For every vacancy we offer several candidates.
Company UAB “LAGRILITA” was founded in 2001. In 2011 company expanded its range of services and has established a subdivision “ETHALON Recruitment” whose main activity is personnel selection and recruitment. We carry out personnel selection and prepare qualified seagoing personnel for work.
The main goal of our company:
To offer customers trained, literate, qualified personnel and provide the opportunity to candidates to receive a well paid job. -
Страна LithuaniaАдрес Nemuno g. 139, 93262 Klaipėda, Lithuania
Показаны записи 21-25 из 25.