National Navigation Co.
Egypt4 El Hegaz St, El-Bostan, Heliopolis, Cairo Governorate 4460223, Egypt
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- На сайте: c 01.05.2023
- Вакансий на сайте: 0 вакансий на сайте
National Navigation Company was established in 1981 to implement the strategy adopted by the Egyptian government aimed at developing the Egyptian commercial fleet by giving the opportunity to companies and individuals to own commercial vessels without a maximum payload.
National Navigation Company is considered the largest shipping Egyptian company specialized in shipping dry cargo among the world’s largest ports. It is also responsible of conducting regular liner lines for vessels owned or chartered for shipping general cargo among ports in Northern and Western Europe, the Adriatic, the Black Sea, and the Mediterranean Sea.
We are proud to Own 12 Bulk Carriers and 1 Container Vessel.