Chief Electrical Engineer

  • Wage: $ 14 500 per month
  • Vessel Type: LPG / LNG
  • Start date: 01/10/2024
  • Contract duration: 3 months
  • Seaman Citizenship: Russia

  • Vessel Name: HELLAS ATHINA
  • Vessel DWT: 93098
  • Vessel ME Type: WINGD
  • Vessel Year Built: 2021
Information about vacancy Chief Electrical Engineer (for LPG / LNG):

Тип судна: LNG

Deadweight: 83,000

Главный двигатель: Wartsila 1 x 6X72DF / 19,350 kW

Год постройки: 2021

Опыт работы на LNG. Опыт XDF.

288 viewed (12 today)
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More Vacancies for Chief Electrical Engineer on LPG / LNG
  • Wage: $ 11 770 per month
  • Vessel Type: LPG / LNG
  • Start date: 30/09/2024
  • Contract duration: 4 months