
How to Claim Compensation: Deaths and Injuries at Sea
Despite being ranked among most profitable occupations, jobs at sea are regularly included in the top of most dangerous professions in the world. Cranes and winches; slips, trips and falls; working mechanisms; high-voltage equipment, onboard fires and welding – here is the list of main causes for deaths and injuries at sea. Meanwhile, very few...
Shipping 2030: New Technologies in Maritime Industry
Have you ever considered how ships will look like in future?  Experts claim that we were standing on the verge of the 4th Industrial Revolution which is bound to bring new technologies to the maritime industry and transform our understanding of global shipping forever. Climate change is another ever-pressing topic that influences the development of...
Top Container Shipping News
A lot of exciting news comes from the world of container shipping these days. Digitalization of container industry brings major stakeholders together and already takes its toll on regular seafarers.  Autonomous shipping is going to transform jobs at sea forever; while new frontiers are reached in the Panama Canal navigation. So, regardless of a spiraling...
Nautical Institute vs. DNV GL: Comparing New DPO Certification Schemes
The era of Dynamically Positioned vessels started in early 60s when the Jack up technology had reached its limits. In 1961 Howard Shatto, the ingenious engineer for Shell, has built the first prototype DP vessel, M/V Eureka. She was equipped with fore and aft thrusters, therefore was capable of rotating through 3600. It also had...
Top Latest Maritime Accidents
Despite many obvious advantages, a job at sea has always been a risky career path. These days, though, it has become a lot safer to work at sea than mere century ago due to so many conventions and acts aimed to protect life and health of seafarers. However, hazardous conditions and unpredictable weather still claim...
How to Find Job at Sea and Build a Successful Nautical Career?
How to get a job at sea? How do I become a deckhand on a cargo ship? These questions rank among top maritime search queries. Both newbies and experienced professionals face the problem of finding decent nautical jobs. A lot of seafarers have been stuck onshore for years making the same mould mistakes in their...
Job at Sea: Pros and Cons
It seems that no other profession causes so much controversy as the job of a seafarer.  There are those who can name good many reasons why one should never go to sea while others dream of such work. We are not going to take any side, but simply list some positive and negative aspects of...
Offshore Wind Farm: Opportunity or Hindrance?
The term ‘offshore energy’ has long lost its petrolic smell. Now it’s all about alternative energy inputs. Technological development facilitates expansion of the offshore wind industry; while the need for the ecological and cost-efficient electrical energy is pending as ever. According to World Forum Offshore Wind, 2018 was the record breaking for the industry as...
How to Cope with Bullying and Harassment at Sea
Modern business technologies offer dozens of conflict management strategies. Forbes experts even state that conflicts are vital for productive work. So they are, but on condition that all protagonists can forget the whole thing at 5 pm and go drink some beer with friends at their favorite pub. Meanwhile, confrontations that happen among people who...
Packing for the Sea Voyage: 30 Tips for New Seafarers
Over the years experienced seafarers work out their own voyage packing list. But what about novices to the maritime industry for whom job at sea is a new experience so they do not yet know what they might require onboard. In this article we have prepared a number of tips that will help the newcomer...