Крюїнги Україна
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- Крюїнгові компанії
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- Всі країни1070
- Єгипет 4
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- Нідерланди 10
- Німеччина 11
- Об'єднані Арабські Емірати 23
- Острів Мен 2
- Панама 1
- Польща 21
- Португалія 4
- Румунія 16
- США 2
- Саудівська Аравія 5
- Сейшели 1
- Сінгапур 4
- Туніс 1
- Туреччина 18
- Україна 491
- Фарерські острови 1
- Філіппіни 3
- Фінляндія 1
- Хорватія 6
- Швейцарія 4
- Шрі Ланка 1
Країна UkraineАдреса Seredn'ofontans'ka St, 19В, 317, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Країна UkraineАдреса Обсерваторний провулок, 2/4, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Welcome to “INTERSHIP LTD.”, a dynamic agency and consulting company expanding worldwide recruitment of high quality Ukrainian Seafarers all over the world, with a team of skilled professionals providing the highest quality of service.
Headquartered in Odessa, “INTERSHIP LTD.” has successful diversified into many different areas of shipping activities such as, logistics, consulting and recruitment.
Each client's needs are unique. At “INTERSHIP LTD.” we strive to meet these needs and to form strategic, long-term partnerships with our clients. We believe in satisfying our clients so we may continue to grow and prosper together. Meeting these needs is our driving force.
We have developed strong relationships with Local Authorities and Administrations, National Marine Administrations and Marine Authorities of Ukraine that we believe are the direct result of the quality of our service. -
Трудоустройство моряков!
ООО " МОРСКОЕ АГЕНТСТВО "УКРАИНА" приглашает КОМАНДНЫЙ И РЯДОВОЙ СОСТАВ для работы на судах компании Siem Shipmanagement Ltd (UK), РЯДОВОЙ СОСТАВ для работы на судах компании Unibaltic Shipmanagement, командный состав на Wallem, DS, Star Clippers, Evergas,BSM,Uniteam и другие, на off-shore, береговые и ремонтные проекты.
ТИПЫ СУДОВ: Танкера(химовозы, LPG,LNG), контейнеровозы, рефрижераторы, автомобилевозы, балкера, пассажиры, кабелеукладчики. буровые платформы и т.д.
Услуги по трудоустройству бесплатные. Опыт работы, знания английского языка и наличие отзывов от предыдущих работодателей - обязательны.ОКЛАДЫ ВЫШЕ ITF Длительность контрактов 3-6 месяцев. Все заявки и условия найма доступны на сайте www.mau.com.ua -
merchant fleet and offshore
ALSO YOU CAN APPLY BY MESSENGERS (Whatsapp/Viber/Telegram) +380(98)328-66-98
SYSTEMAR LTD SHIPPING COMPANY provides full management for different types of vessels, mostly for Oil- Chemical Tankers and Refrigerator vessels, Crewing Management for Fishing vessels, Shallow Water vessels and Bulkers .
Ship management include
- technical aspects of ship operations
- chartering
- ship inspections
- overseeing maintenance and repairs
- assistance during class and flag surveys and ISPS-related verifications
- victuals management
- dry docking and renovations overseeing,
- compliance to flag and port state requirements
Crewing including following aspects
- Initial interview, selection of crew and CES 5,01 tests the latest official version
- Proper qualification and certification of crew
- Crew training (both on board and ashore based on official SeaGull Training Program)
- Endorsement per flag requirement
- Medical examination fitness certificates & appraisal reports
- Implementation and follow up of drug and alcohol policies
- Issuance of working gear
- Joining and repatriation (fly details booking, coordinating with agents, etc)
- Visa arrangements
- Crew welfare
Судоходная компания Arctic Shipping
CRS is a certified in accordance to national regulations, MLC 2006 and ISO 9001:2015 requirements crew management company located in Odessa, Ukraine. We are providing with well-educated and competent seafarers from a single crewmember to a complete crew management services for all types of vessels, including: Bulkers, Containers, Multi-Purposes, Oil/Products Tankers, Ch. Tankers, LNG, LPG and offshore fleet. All our crewmembers are complying with the requirements of the STCW, ILO, MLC 2006 and are fully qualified to meet Client requirements.
Країна UkraineАдреса Lunina Ave, 27, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Atlanta Ltd. Maritime Agency a large supply of profoundly qualified, licensed, certified, skilled and experienced crew of all ranks.
In our database we have more than 4700 marine specialists.Today Atlanta Ltd. Maritime Agency is renowned as a professional Crewing manager providing a number of qualified workforces of all ranks, licensed in full compliance with all IMO, ISM, ISPS and STCW-95 demands and flag state requirements, for various types of vessels, such as:
Offshore fleet =
DSV, PSV, AHTS, OSV, Drill Rigs, Drill Ships, Semisubmersible Ships, FPSO, Stand By, EERV, Survey/Research,etc.
Trade fleet =
Tankers, Chemical and Product Tankers, LPG, LNG, Ferries, Reefers, Bulk Carriers, Ro-Ro(WA/WD) vessels, etc.