Крюїнги Румунія
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- Всі країни1035
- Єгипет 4
- Індонезія 5
- Індія 46
- Іспанія 3
- Італія 3
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- В'єтнам 3
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- Нігерія 1
- Нідерланди 9
- Німеччина 11
- Об'єднані Арабські Емірати 20
- Острів Мен 2
- Панама 1
- Польща 19
- Португалія 3
- Румунія 15
- США 1
- Саудівська Аравія 4
- Сейшели 1
- Сінгапур 4
- Туніс 1
- Туреччина 13
- Україна 493
- Фарерські острови 1
- Філіппіни 3
- Фінляндія 1
- Хорватія 5
- Швейцарія 4
- Шрі Ланка 1
XT Ships Management is a recruitment company, representative of XT Group, with experience in Romanian maritime market of over 25 years.The process of recruitment is mainly based upon professional qualification of the Seafarers. The recruitment is carried out without any discriminatory policy and the process of recruitmentis not base on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin. The company is totally committed to ensure that the fundamental rights of each seafarer employed are protected. The main focus is on safe and secure working, safe working practices, right to fair terms and conditions of employment, right to decent workand living conditionon board and the procetion of the evironment. JOIN US TODAY!
Tinecomar Crewing Agency was founded in 1998 and since the company became one of the most respected crewing agencies in Romania and provides exceptional crewing services.
We pride ourselves on being one of the most reliable crewing agencies in Romania. Our strict diligence in human resources management ensures that we recruit only the best talents from the market. We take the time to carefully select and train our seafarers to meet the high standards of excellence demanded by our principals.
At Tinecomar, we believe that crewing is more than just selecting and sending off seafarers on a sea-going mission. We take a holistic approach to our recruitment process, taking into account a candidate’s qualifications, experience, certifications, crewing record, interpersonal skills, teaming spirit, adherence to safety, and their leadership qualities.
pprovide exceptional crewing services to our clients while empowering and supporting our seafarers to achieve their career goalsprovide exceptional crewing services to our clients whilerovide exceptional crewing services to our clients while empowering and supporting our seafarers to achieve their career goalsprovide exceptional crewing services to our clients while empowering and supporting our seafarers to achieve their career goalsprovide exceptional crewing services to our clients while empowering and supporting our seafarers to achieve their career goalsprovide exceptional crewing services to our clients while empowering and supporting our seafarers to achieve their career goalsprovide exceptional crewing services to our clients while empowering and supporting our seafarers to achieve their career goals
Країна RomaniaАдреса Str. Stefan cel Mare, Nr. 36-40, Incinta “Tomis Mall”, Et. 1, Constanta, 900676, Romania
When you say Kru Maritime, you say honesty, stability, professionalism, promptitude, kindness and amability.
Kru Maritime was born because of the need to offer an upright alternative of jobs to our seafarers and also to fulfill the needs of Shipowners in finding good crew for their vessels.
From the very beginning, our inspiration was helping others, and this will remain always our main objective.
Since 2002, our Team has tried their best to show only dedication and care towards our clients’ needs, both Shipowners and crew members.
We are 24/7 ready to be of help and to be at your service!
Navis Crew Management is integrated in Odessa National Maritime Academy set up in 1943 and is a member of International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), formed by leading higher maritime educational institutions of the world in 2000.
Navis Crew Management (NCM) assigns well-qualified and certified officers for all types of vessels within offshore and merchant fleet in compliance with IMO STCW Code 2010, ILO MLC 2006 qualification requirements and according to the standards of ISO9001:2008.
We Navis are approved agents of Stanford Marine Group (UAE), Leighton Offshore Sdn Bhd, Bibby Ship Management ( also supplying Jaya, Bourbon MMI vessels etc.), Vallianz Offshore (Swiber Holdings), West African Ventures (WAV), Seaways intl, Halul Offshore, InterMarine Sharjah, Mubarak Marine.
Країна Romania
Крюинговое агенство«СТАФФ Марин» (ООО «СТАФФ Менеджмент») основано в 2005 году в г.Калининграде. Главными направлениями деятельности являются подбор и трудоустройство специалистов для работы на судах иностранных компаний. «СТАФФ Марин» (ООО «СТАФФ Менеджмент») - кадрового агентство полного цикла, то есть осуществляет все необходимые мероприятия от оценки квалификации моряка и полного оформления его трудоустройства до решения социальных вопросов (страхование, пенсионное обеспечение, документальная поддержка при кредитовании и т.п.).
В основу работы компании «СТАФФ Марин» заложены высокий уровень качества оказания услуг и ответственности перед моряками и судовладельцами. Агентство «СТАФФ Марин» - первый частный крюинг в Калининграде сертифицированный всемирно признанным классификационным обществом ”Det Norske Veritas” в соответствии с требованиями международного стандарта ISO-9001:2008 (Quality Management System).
«СТАФФ Марин» сможет позаботится о вашем трудоустройстве!