Крюїнги Сінгапур
- Головна
- Крюїнгові компанії
- Сінгапур
- Всі країни1035
- Єгипет 4
- Індонезія 5
- Індія 46
- Іспанія 3
- Італія 3
- Австралія 1
- Азербайджан 3
- Ангола 1
- Бангладеш 2
- Бахрейн 1
- Бельгія 1
- Болгарія 9
- В'єтнам 3
- Великобританія 14
- Гонконг 1
- Греція 24
- Грузія 29
- Джерсі 1
- Естонія 28
- Казахстан 5
- Катар 2
- Кувейт 1
- Кіпр 14
- Латвія 34
- Литва 23
- М'янма 1
- Малайзія 1
- Мальта 3
- Молдова 1
- Непал 1
- Норвегія 4
- Нігерія 1
- Нідерланди 9
- Німеччина 11
- Об'єднані Арабські Емірати 20
- Острів Мен 2
- Панама 1
- Польща 19
- Португалія 3
- Румунія 15
- США 1
- Саудівська Аравія 4
- Сейшели 1
- Сінгапур 4
- Туніс 1
- Туреччина 13
- Україна 493
- Фарерські острови 1
- Філіппіни 3
- Фінляндія 1
- Хорватія 5
- Швейцарія 4
- Шрі Ланка 1
Країна SingaporeАдреса Middle Road #12-07, Fortune Centre Singapore 188979
Global ship management company with a passion for quality of service and safety. Since 2009, we have provided peerless fleet management services to our valued clients. General Marine are global providers of seaborne transportation for dry cargo, petrochemical and gases along global shipping routes.
Our management team has more than one hundred years of combined industry experience having been through a number of cycles. General Marine manages its marine assets by focusing on quality and building up highly competent, motivated and loyal seagoing staff to man its ships.
General Marine recruits crew directly, as well as, through owned and appointed network of agencies that is spread across the globe in all major crewing markets. This network extends to 5 offices located in the countries from which seafarers are recruited. Private Recruitment and Placement Service based on the requirements of the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, Regulation 1.4 accreditation by Class.
Teamwork, leadership and value-added training are the essential ingredients of quality crews. General Marine has built a large pool of dedicated personnel by a strong emphasis on efficiency, effectiveness, commitment and professionalism. A centralized database, networked throughout the group is updated on a continuous basis with medical, certification and other information including training records and crew appraisal results. General Marine has one of best seafarer retention rates in the industry. This is achieved through having proper recruitment, remuneration, continual training and performance appraisal systems in place.
Країна SingaporeАдреса 9 Temasek Boulevard, #32-02A, Suntec Tower Two, Singapore 038989
Pacific Gas (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited and its affiliate companys (hereinafter referred to as Pacific Gas) were established in April 2013.
Pacific Gas provides oceangoing shipping and management service, for Methane(LNG), Ethane, Propane and Butane (LPG), and various petrochemical gas products including Ethylene, Propylene, Butadiene and etc.
The headquarter was established in Hongkong, and the company has also established offices in Singapore, and Mumbai. The operation headquarter locates in Shanghai. Pacific Gas is affiliated to Shandong Marine Group Company.
Pacific Gas is the first Chinese-background company who stepped into the Very Large Gas Carrier (VLGC) and Very Large Ethane Carrier (VLEC) market. Having a global operation team of high professional qualities. Ranking in the first tier in the VLGC/VLEC/LEG segment globally.
As of April 2023, Pacific Gas operates or manages a modern shipping fleet of 8 VLGCs, 5 LEGs and 2 VLECs, total 15 vessels on the water. Another 7 VLEC newbuildings are under construction.
- VLGC Shipping
Pacific Gas is the first company in China to enter the VLGC (Very Large Gas Carrier) shipping market and owns the largest LPG ocean shipping fleet in China. Currently, Pacific Gas operates eight VLGCs.
- LEG Shipping
The company is the first company in China to enter the handy-size LEG shipping market and owns the largest LEG ocean shipping fleet in China. It completed the delivery of 5 LEGs (ethylene capable) from 2018 to 2019.
- VLEC Shipping
In 2019, the company and INEOS reached a charter agreement for 2 VLEC ships. Having the world's largest ethane capable tank capacity and the world's first Type-B tank, 99,000 cubic meters, "PACIFIC INEOS BELSTAFF" was officially delivered in 2021. The sister vessel, "PACIFIC INEOS GRENADIER” was delivered in 2022, marking the company's official entry into the field of very large liquefied ethane transportation. In addition, the company has successfully signed 7 VLEC newbuilding contracts from 2022 to 2023.