Крюїнги Німеччина
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- Німеччина
- Всі країни1067
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- Німеччина 11
- Об'єднані Арабські Емірати 23
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- Панама 1
- Польща 21
- Португалія 3
- Румунія 16
- США 2
- Саудівська Аравія 5
- Сейшели 1
- Сінгапур 4
- Туніс 1
- Туреччина 18
- Україна 491
- Фарерські острови 1
- Філіппіни 3
- Фінляндія 1
- Хорватія 6
- Швейцарія 4
- Шрі Ланка 1
United Lloyd believes in a deep identification of the crew on board with the owner of the vessel. Our Seafarers are of the utmost importance because a hard-working, well-trained crew ensures the effective operation of the ship. The safety and welfare of our crew is our top priority, along with creating a tolerant, multicultural environment.
A big advantage that we have is the efficiency, competitiveness and flexibility of the value creation of our crew-staff ashore. This enables us to act quickly and diligently to deliver the best possible service.
United Lloyd provides a platform through which a bridge is built between the Seafarer and the Principal. We facilitate the creation of connections and relationships based on trust and the Seafarer should feel at home on board.
Tenaro ENGINE LINER MAPPING (ELM) provides objective and dense information on engine liner wear and liner surface condition (dry + water side) including all wear related parts (liner/rings/cyl. cover/injectors/exh. valve). ELM reports compress our high data volume and liner knowledge into easily readable 3D models and objective recommendations.
Країна GermanyАдреса Reinbeker Weg 76, 21465 Wentorf bei Hamburg, Germany
Direct Crewing is an international acting crewing agency. We are partners for ship owners, the international shipping industry and the maritime administration for all maritime personnel and crewing matters.
Northwest Competence has been committed to recruiting qualified crew members for all positions on board for years now. Well-trained and reliable seafarers are the most important pillar of success in shipping. We highly value long-term partnerships based on fairness and transparency – and we make special efforts to convince seafarers to work with us on a long-term basis. A high number of regulars among the crew members and long-standing customers show how much seafarers and vessel owners/managers alike appreciate our services.
Sea Alliance is an international group of companies. We provide a range of services for the maritime industry such as crew management, technical management, crew supply, port agency, employment of seafarers, payroll, legal services, consultancy and P&I support.
Maritime Agency UVIS is a licensed European crewing company based in Berlin, Germany.
Our company acts as a full-service crewing agency and specializes in a careful recruitment of reliable, experienced and skilled English-speaking seafarers for such types of vessels as:
– General Cargo vessels
– Bulkers
– Multi-purpose vessels
– Containers
– Tankers
– Offshore fleet
UVIS is a truly client-oriented crewing agency and our main mission is to promote Client’s business through offering qualified, motivated and loyal crew. We have unique experience in recruitment of marine personnel and really know how to manage crew successfully and satisfy all your crewing requirements and wishes. Our reliable and professional seafarers are at your service. -
Компания Харрен Партнер является семейным предприятием основанным Питером Хареном в 1989. На данный момент компания является судовладельцем и управляет флотом насчитывающим более 60 судов (танкера, сухогрузы, контейнеровозы, heavy lift и офшоры)
https://twitter.com/HarrenPartner -