Крюїнги В'єтнам
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- Всі країни1067
- Єгипет 4
- Індонезія 5
- Індія 50
- Іспанія 3
- Італія 3
- Австралія 1
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- Болгарія 10
- В'єтнам 3
- Великобританія 16
- Гонконг 1
- Греція 24
- Грузія 29
- Данія 1
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- Естонія 30
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- Кіпр 15
- Латвія 40
- Литва 25
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- Маршаллові острови 1
- Молдова 1
- Непал 3
- Норвегія 4
- Нігерія 2
- Нідерланди 10
- Німеччина 11
- Об'єднані Арабські Емірати 23
- Острів Мен 2
- Панама 1
- Польща 21
- Португалія 3
- Румунія 16
- США 2
- Саудівська Аравія 5
- Сейшели 1
- Сінгапур 4
- Туніс 1
- Туреччина 18
- Україна 491
- Фарерські острови 1
- Філіппіни 3
- Фінляндія 1
- Хорватія 6
- Швейцарія 4
- Шрі Ланка 1
We are Ship Management , Crew Manning ,Ship Repairs agency ,Company Registered at Vietnam and Tide Up Branch India we can Management Full Crew as Per Ship Owner Requirement .
Країна VietnamАдреса 268 P. Trần Nguyên Hãn, Niệm Nghĩa, Lê Chân, Hải Phòng 180000, Vietnam
Країна VietnamАдреса BH 01-31 Khu đô thị Vinhomes, Thượng Lý, Hồng Bàng, Hải Phòng 180000, Vietnam
Crewing Company NST Marines in Haiphong, Vietnam.
Our company can recruit and offer highly qualified top Vietnamese crews with good English and Sea Experience, including for Bulk Carrier, General Cargo, Container,… with variety of ship sizes. Accordingly, the company's policy is to equip each ship with qualified, certified and medically fit seafarers.
My company has experience cooperating with well-known shipping companies, This experience helps us to provide professional and highly qualified services, relationships with both Ship-owners and seafarers.
The mission of the NST Marines is: Bringing success and happiness to the shipping industry around the world. Our operating philosophy is providing high-quality crews, assuring efficient operation of vessels and making Ship-owners succeed and happy.
We hope for mutual cooperation between us, which will be successful for both parties. We hope the seafarers we provide will grow and develop with Ship-owners.
Kindly check our Profile as attached file and feel free to contact us 24/7