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Країна UkraineАдреса Henerala Oleksy Almazova St, 46, Mykolaiv, Mykolaivs'ka oblast, Ukraine, 54000
We are marine agency CC "Libra" LLC, locating in Odessa, Ukraine on the crewing/spare parts market since 1997. ILO MLC 2006 and ISO 9001:2008 certified.
Країна UkraineАдреса Pavla Zelenoho St, 17/19, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
The Best Crew Ltd was founded in 2011 in the Odessa, Ukraine as a consulting and crewing company.
Our mission is simple - the Best Services for the Best Clients. The best vacancies for The Best Crew.
Країна UkraineАдреса Sofiivs'ka St, 10, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
We are Crewing Agency which is engaged in Employment of seafarers on Bulkers, Tankes, Containers, General cargo ships.
We have strict selection to qualification of seafarers.
Країна UkraineАдреса Lanzheronivs'ka St, 24А, 21, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Країна UkraineАдреса Mala Arnauts'ka St, 111, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Work line International Company was founded by marine Experts and Advisers with total experience more than 25 years in Oil Gas Industry fleet operation like: chartering, cstering and financial relations.
WLI vision is the same as the trend(objective), and huge will is to get success and integrity of connections as well as understanding between seafarers in the pool and the Clients. Under the same circumstances different useful programs are created by WLI for seamen, initially agreed with the Client.
Later WLI expanded to Crew Manager services for worldwide fleet. By the present time WLI built up a massive of database of various personnel available to our Clients on short notice.
We do realize success and profit of the business inside of the industry such as Oil & Gas Processing. Therefore direct benefit is major vision what we embody into the life. It concerns the following aspects: chartering; proper management either in crew change or/and terms and wages arrangements. -
Країна UkraineАдреса Люстдорфська дорога, 172/2, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000суда типа "река-море"Услуги по трудоустроуйству для моряков:
- трудоустройство бесплатно,- постановка на учет бесплатно,- информационные услуги бесплатно,- проверка документов на легитимность,- проверка уровня знаний англ. языка,- оформление (дополнительных) необходимых документов,- тестирование на профпригодность,- консультационные услуги,- организация получений подтверждений иностранных государств дополнительно. -
We are pleased to introduce ourselves - crew agency in Odessa City, Ukraine.
The company, was established to provide professional and competent manning services to Shipowners/Management Companies to their full satisfaction.
We have good experience in recruitment and selection of qualified Ukrainian Seafarers for different types of vessels, including LPG's, Chemical tankers, Oil tankers, dry cargo, bulk carriers, passenger cruise, ferry, container ships, Ro-Ro, Heavy Lift, supply and offshore support vessels, etc. We can provide complete or partial crew as well as specialists for individual contracts.
At present time our database includes more than 50 000 certified officers and ratings of all ranks and is in the process of updating day-by-day. -
Постоянно требуются Командный и рядовой состав на балкера DWT от 10000 мт до 26000 мт с опытом работы.
Реальная перспектива карьерного роста.
Країна UkraineАдреса Perekopska St, 20, 402, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73009
Країна UkraineАдреса вулиця Велика Арнаутська, 61, Квартира 23, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65007Arkona Navigation company cooperate only with reliable partners-shipowners. With all austerity and responsibility it approaches the execution of liabilities of clients. The crew can be confident in the reliability of the employer. The shipowners are guaranteed to have real peofessionals.
Our office is located in Odessa, Ukraine. We are able to provide our customers the well-educated and competent seamen, a single seafarer and a complete crew for all types of vessels, including Bulkers, Containers, Multi-Purposes, Reefers, Oil Tankers, Ch.Tankers and LPG, LNG, Coasters, AHTS, Seismic etc.
Today we have a big database of crew, we collected the most experienced and high qualified seafarers who in full accordance with STCW ’95 and completely complying with all IMO/ISPC/ISM rules and regulations. We successfully cooperate with shipping companies for employment of Ukrainian seamen for their vessels and guarantee immediate response to the Principal, dynamic approach to any problem and quick mobilization of required persons.
Країна UkraineАдреса Pylypa Orlyka St, 21, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73009
Мы — динамично развивающаяся компания, основной целью которой является предоставление нашим партнерам услуг высокого качества на взаимовыгодных условиях. Компания «Odyssey Group» оказывает услуги в сфере кадрового подбора и трудоустройства персонала морских судов в соответствии с требованиями международных конвенций (MLC) и требованиями ISO 9001:2000.
Профессионализм наших сотрудников — предмет нашей гордости. Большинство наших сотрудников, занятых в отделе подбора персонала для экипажей морских судов, являются специалистами, имеющими морское образование и опыт работы в море. У истоков Компании стоят два капитана, знающих и понимающих морскую специфику изнутри.
Наша база данных насчитывает более 30000 анкет и состоит из представителей командного и рядового состава, которые успешно работают на различных типах судов. Весь плавсостав имеет необходимые квалификационные сертификаты в соответствии с международными стандартами. «Odyssey Group» постоянно расширяет базу специалистов, готовых начать работу в самое ближайшее время.
Мы заинтересованы в поддержке профессионального развития молодых моряков. Наша Кадетская программа дает возможность курсантам и студентам морских специальностей приобрести практический опыт, начать профессиональную деятельность уже на младших курсах и получить опыт работы без отрыва от обучения.
Наше кредо: Лучшие специалисты ведущим компаниям!
Fleet Pro Ship Management is young, highly motivated crewing company, which activities include selection of well-experienced and highly qualified seamen from Ukraine for different positions on international ships.
Proposing a wide range of marine staff recruitment, our agency cooperates with reliable foreign shipowners and provide them with workers, quickly responding to their demands. Our company officially registered with a license for crewing issued by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine.
Our staff is a professional, active team, which has one goal – to provide our partners with high quality services according to international marine standards. Well-established, cooperative relationships with many other marine agencies allow to respond to the needs of our clients and rapidly form a crew.
Країна UkraineАдреса Олександрівський проспект, 12, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
LLC “Aries Navigation LTD” крюинговое агенство - перспективная и постоянно развивающаяся компания. Мы делаем все, для того что бы держать первенство среди морских компаний. Наша главная задача - трудоустройство моряков на всех видах суден. Мы с ответственностью относимся к требованиям наших клиентов, стремясь получить признание от каждого. Мы стараемся подходить к каждому клиенту персонально, что помогает выполнить поставленную перед нами задачу максимально точно.
Морская компания "Порт Менеджмент. Марин компани" основана в 2015 году командой специалистов, имеющих опыт работы в разных сферах морского бизнеса более десяти лет. География нашей работы охватывает не только территорию Украины, а так же дальний Восток,Россию, страны Балтии и черноморского бассейна. Деятельность компании охватывает такие сферы как поставка продовольствия на суда, агентирование, правовая поддержка моряков и членов их семей, техническое снабжение, а так же комплектование экипажей
Країна UkraineАдреса Nebesnoi Sotni Ave, 4, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Країна UkraineАдреса Tarasa Kuzmina St, 15, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000Aurum Marine Management is a private Crewing Agency which was established in 2013 year in Odessa, Ukraine.
For now we have good base of qualified seafarers with seagoing experience on different types of vessels (all types of tankers IMO I,II,III, including LPG\LNG, Bulk carrier inc. Capesize, Container vessels, Reefer fleet, Heavy Lift, Multi-Purpose, and also offshore fleet) with good English level. If you are interesting in any rank, we would gladly provide you with CV's.
The main principles of our work are quality, professionalism, accuracy. We are doing our best to ensure all the requirements of our clients. Our company is able to provide the employment of the Ukrainian seafarers on professional level and act as an agent for and on behalf of Your Company in all matters, dealing with manning of vessels.
We hope for the future advantageous successful cooperation between our companies.
Our company is built on trust and understanding, and only this gives us strength to move forward and not to stop.
Company Aurum Marine Management understands the seriousness of this activity and therefore you will never get the unanswered phone call or email.
Sea Service Company Ltd. was established with the clear idea and basis to offer its business partners throughout the world a quality management services, providing them with its selected qualified personnel with experience in the marine industry and in other sectors like manufacturing, mechanical engineering, etc.
Our team of professionals in the field of Human Resources are selecting carefully each candidate, in a manner that fulfill all requirements of our partners.
At the same time except the right selection we are responsible for our employees by maintaining constant contact with them, which facilitates the management of our personnel. In this way we are protecting our business partners and our employees.
With our complete selection and management of personnel we guarantee a reduction of the personnel costs to our clients.
Our administrative department takes full care of the complete documentation, and thereby is saving time and money for our clients. This department also ensures the security of all our customers and personnel, as fully comply with legislative requirements leading in the all industries.