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Країна UkraineАдреса Marshala Hovorova St, 11, 107, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
We are crewing agency, Black Seacontractors, we are fully licensed by Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine for manning activities License.
Black Seacontractors recruit well-trained skilful seafarers for service on-board of different type of vessels both merchant and offshore fleet.
Our goal is to expand our business to the highest standards of service and to develop kind and beneficial relationships with our potential and existing principals, clients and employees.
The "CONTINENT LTD" is the company incorporated and duly licensed by the Ukrainian
government and worked under BVQI certificate in accordance with ISO 9001 (2000) and
presently provides the following service to the foreign shipowners:
As a rule, our crew pre-employment procedure includes:
- Test for professional skills (includes interview by the Captain or by the Chief engineer - depending on applicant rank)
- English language test (interview + computer based)
- Check of originality/validity STCW certificates/diplomas and endorsement via issuing authority
- Check of the references with previous manning agent/employer and crew members
- Medical examination / drug-alcohol tests in high-end marine medical center
Once the seaman has been approved for hiring by the owners/managers, our company gives
assistance in getting necessary entry Visas, local transportation, selection of suitable flight and
its reservation if necessary. -
Країна UkraineАдреса Sviatoslava Karavanskoho St, 34, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
At OSM Thome our people are our highest priority. We place great emphasis on teamwork and on creating an environment in which our seagoing and shore-based staff feel valued and a part of the company. We also strive to reflect our values and vision throughout the organisation in order to provide the best possible service for our clients. By making all our employees feel part of the OSM Thome family and by fully supporting their continuing education, competence building and career development, we intend to attract the 'new generation' of seafarers.
Країна UkraineАдреса Pyrohovs'ka St, 27, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000Набор экипажей (командный и рядовой состав) на рефрижераторные суда иностранных судовладельцев. Экипажи - русскоговорящие.
Країна UkraineАдреса Hrets'ka Square, 3/4, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Our young company was established in 2004, and it consists of highly qualified professionals which can provide you dully trained crew thoroughly selected for your good vessels.
Our main activity is complete crews for all types of vessels: including Container vessels, General Cargo, Bulk Carriers, Tankers, Ro-Ro,Dredger, Tug/Supply vessels. -
Країна UkraineАдреса Bazarnaya Street 37, Odessa, Odessa Region, Ukraine, 65000Our Company working with Greek Shipping Companies.Require all Comand crew for Bulk carriers.Good salary.
Трудоустройство моряков на суда иностранных судовладельцев ( Lo-Ro,Bulk carrier,Oil/Chemical tanker,Cruise vessel,Container,AHTS,PSV,OSV,FSPO).
Країна UkraineАдреса Обсерваторний провулок, 2/6, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Representative of Minerva Marine Inc. (Greece) in Odessa, Ukraine.