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Country UkraineAddress вулиця Чорноморського Козацтва, 115, 317, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000Optimum Maritime Solutions (OMS) is a professional training and crew manning office, based in Odessa, Ukraine. Our employment system is incompliance with Maritime Labour Convention 2006 requirements for recruitment and placement services.
OMS building business based on the Trust, Honesty and Transparency.
Our goal is clear: to meet the requirements of the most demanding employers by providing worthy candidates among qualified seafarers. We screen the level of training and experience of each seafarer to provide only the best candidates.
OMS invest time and money in our in-house crew training program to provide a first class service. Collaborating with best nautical training centers we insure that our crew undertake best and cost efficient training meeting STCW requirements.
OMS pay much attention on the professionalism of each and everyone of our team, we have a development and training program for our shore staff.
We provide jobs for skilled Ukrainian seafarers on different types of ships, including:
Oil / Chemical Tankers, Bulkers, Containers, Multi-Purposed. -
Country UkraineAddress Seredn'ofontans'ka St, 40, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Предоставление услуг трудоустройства для моряков в судовладельческих компаниях всего мира
Country UkraineAddress Mechnykova St, 2/1, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd. (TSMU) is a crew management company based in Odessa, Ukraine. Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd. is a subsidiary to Tschudi Ship Management AS, a ship- and crew management company located in Tallinn, Estonia and belongs to the Tschudi Group of Companies, a Norwegian shipping company with its roots dating back to 1883. Being a party to the group enables greater flexibility in servicing the Client’s needs and creates a strong foothold in the shipping industry.
Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd. is a reputable independent crew supplier in Ukraine with the renown brand name, solid values and sophisticated systems. We are MLC 2006-compliant as certified by Bureau Veritas. Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd. (TSMU) is a crew management company based in Odessa, Ukraine. Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd. is a subsidiary to Tschudi Ship Management AS, a ship- and crew management company located in Tallinn, Estonia and belongs to the Tschudi Group of Companies, a Norwegian shipping company with its roots dating back to 1883. Being a party to the group enables greater flexibility in servicing the Client’s needs and creates a strong foothold in the shipping industry.
Tschudi Ship Management Ukraine Ltd. is a reputable independent crew supplier in Ukraine with the renown brand name, solid values and sophisticated systems. We are MLC 2006-compliant as certified by Bureau Veritas. -
Country UkraineAddress Hastello St, 52, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000Компания «Глобал Менеджмент Консалтинг» оказывает весь спектр услуг по поиску плавсостава для морского и речного коммерческого флота.
Нашим неоспоримым преимуществом в этой высококонкуретной сфере является комплексный подход к предоставлению услуг по трудоустройству.
С одной стороны, наша компания может предложить судовладельцам высококвалифицированных моряков разных должностей и рангов: от рядовых до высшего командного состава.
Подбор персонала для нас – не просто поиск моряков по формальным критериям: наши специалисты тщательно проверяют кандидатов на соответствие заявленным требованиям, в т.ч. посредством проведения собеседования и тестирования с наставником, проверки отзывов предыдущих компаний, оценки знания английского языка, проверки на наличие профессиональных знаний в соответствии с занимаемой должностью, верификации подлинности документов моряка т.д.
Кроме того, мы организовываем и контролируем прохождение каждым кандидатом обязательного медицинского освидетельствования.
С другой стороны, морякам мы готовы предложить стабильные вакансии с высокими окладами и гибкими контрактами у проверенных судовладельцев, для которых найм персонала – это прежде всего установление длительных взаимовыгодных отношений с командой.
Компания также сотрудничает со многими морскими тренажерными центрами Украины и представляет консалтинговые услуги по оформлению морских документов.
Исповедуя индивидуальный подход к каждому клиенту, компания «Глобал Менеджмент Консалтинг» применяет гибкость, оперативность, дипломатичность и эффективность, выработанные в результате многих лет практики наших специалистов.
Мы осознаем, что профессионализм и качество предоставляемых нами услуг – это, прежде всего, лицо и репутация нашей компании, поэтому трудоустройство с нашей помощью всегда является удачным выбором как для моряков, так и для судовладельцев.
Мы работаем для Вас 24/7 и всегда в Вашем распоряжении.
«Глобал Менеджмент Консалтинг» – это Ваш путь к успеху!
We are the worldwide operating manning agency specializing in the cruise industry. “VIS-Recruit” was established in 2016 and since then has earned a reputation of a reliable business partner. Our main office is located in Kremenchuk, Ukraine, also we have the department in Cyprus. We are able to cover a wide range of positions for the cruise hotel department.
Country UkraineAddress 55/2, Simi Hlodan St, 55/2, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
SAF CREW MARINE is a fast growing crewing company located in Odessa, Ukraine. Our Company is fully licensed in accordance with the requirements of Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine.
We are able to provide fast and excellent recruitment service to all Maritime companies within the Oil and Gas industries, with well-experienced and competent seamen for all types of Offshore vessels and Bulkers, Containers, Multi-Purposes, Reefers, Oil Tankers, Chemical Tankers, LPG, LNG etc.
Today we have a list of over 50 000 crewmembers in our database, which we have collected through the years. They are highly qualified seafarers who is in full accordance with STCW ’95 and completely complying with all IMO/ISPC/ISM rules and regulations.
SAF CREW MARINE is pleased to be at your complete service at all time in order to provide you our exceptional services and to fulfil with promptness& efficiency. We look forward to see in our office Ukrainian seafarers of all ranks or to send their application via e-mail to our company for consideration: [email protected] Tel: +380631197695; +380487005497
SAF CREW MARINE carrying about our people which we work with. We provide the Shipowners with good candidates in a very short time. We can prepare all pre - embarkation document procedures very fast and effective.OUR MISSION:
- To keep our Clients always satisfied by providing them with the Highest Service Quality, Safety and Efficient Recruitment management in accordance with their expectations.
- We aim to provide a quality search and selection of officers and ratings for a wide range of Clients.
- Our approach is to recruit seafarers& contractors with a deep understanding of the international maritime industry who can meet the requirements of our clients.
RS Shipping Company is an independent Ukrainian Maritime Agency involved in the recruitment of Ukrainian Seafarers, Oil & Energy Professionals, Hospitality Personnel and Industrial Specialists, Shipyard Personnel.
We are proud to have provided our services to many worldwide clients, becoming the solution in demand by ship managers and ship owners, Oil & Energy companies, shipyard owners and industrial operators who are in search of a knowledgeable and professional business partner.
Country UkraineAddress 18A, Itskhaka Rabina St, 18А, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Bulk Carrier (80 000 - 180 000 DWT)
Container ship (20 000 - 80 000 DWT)
Tankers (10 000 - 300 000 DWT)Good working conditions, high salary, short contracts.
To apply for this position:
Send your CV to our E-mail: [email protected] (In subject write your Name,Surname,Rank)Working hours are 10:00-18:00
☎+380 (93) 135 12 79 -
STS, is a company which provide an extensive range of services for the Oil & Gas Offshore & Marine industry. With mariners and experts at helm we are able to understand the essence of the task, goals and requirements of the client, willing to share our expertise continuously. Now we actively provide three of the basic services: Crew Management, Accounting & Vessel Management, which have become fundamental for the company & clients.
We always move on, offering additional & topical services for our clients, to be outsourced. Long list with description you can find in our Services section.
STS ensure all-round support and ship agency services for your vessels in ports of Ukraine. This service can include technical and warranty inspection, repair, conversion, docking, etc.
The competence of our people supports the implementation of our strategy and contributes a culture of excellence throughout the company lifeline. Every of us is driven by a belief to change and simplify the business approach globally & in our home market.
We strive to present Ukrainian seafarers on the international labor market as an industry specialists and reveal strengths of Ukrainian bespoke vessel management level and shipbuilding possibilities. -
Country UkraineAddress улиця Маразліївська, 1/20 в, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Country UkraineAddress Reshata Ametova St, 21, 32, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
TIS Maritime Agency ltd. is most active in the following fields of business :
Selection and requirements of duly qualified and trained officers and ratings;
Training courses – special qualifications;
Applications for certificates – Liberia, Panama and etc.;
Contract formalities;
Visa formalities;
Administration and control;
Internal QMS audit;
Ticket booking;
Working clothes supply upon crew departure;
Selection of the cadets for future employment.
Our company offers short course of English language. This intensive course is aimed at seamen to develop communication skills for successful work in the mix crew. The programme is made individually for each seaman, depending on his rank on the vessel and level of English.TIS Maritime Agency has been working since 1997. We have confirmed not once our high professionalism, ability to solve any problems in the shortest terms.
Our company has the state licence for the activity right. TIS Maritime Agency is certificated by Bureau Veritas on standart ISO 9001:2008 since 1998.
Since our Agency was founded more then 10000 seamen have been employed via us.
Our seamen work on different types of vessels: OBO, tanker, chemical tanker vessels, bulk carrier, container, general cargo, reefer, ro-ro, tug boat, supply.
We have got the big database of seamen in the computer, nearby 10000 people. And in folders we have application forms more than 15000 seamen.
We have concluded contracts with sea port, therefore we have possibility for passage of all necessary formalities connected with sea employment, registration of crew list. We are able to assist with booking tickets and to obtaining any visa. We prepare any predispatch documents, including documents of a flag of a vessel.
We have concluded contract and closely co-operate with the State Marine Academy with its powerful educational and training base. We can provide the need of Shipowners in young qualified specialists and cadets, who require practice.
There is a big and strong centre on preparation of seamen in Odessa on Pastera Street. There are three clinics under P&I Club, UK in Odessa. We co-operate with them also.For seafarers we can propose good and stable job from Norwegian, British, German, Greek owners with suitable salaries.
For owners we can provide Top Service in selection excellent seamen for their fleet. We are interested in long cooperation as we are engaged in employment of seamen more than 15 years. -
Eastern Pacific Shipping Pte. Ltd. is an international ship management company headquartered in Singapore. Eastern Pacific specializes in managing Capesize, Supramax, Handymax and Handysize Bulk Carriers, Crude Tankers, Product Tankers, Chemical Tankers, LPG Tankers, Container Ships and Pure Car (Truck) Carriers. Eastern Pacific offers a complete package of management services, from the building and purchase of a vessel through to crewing, operating, maintenance, repair, insurance and legal services and assisting the owners in finding employment for their vessels. Eastern Pacific is committed to providing the highest levels of customer satisfaction to our customers with particular emphasis on the safety of the ship, the cargo, the crew and the environment.
Country UkraineAddress Transportna St, 5, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Компания UAMAX Shipmanagement предоставляет все виды услуг в области крюинга, такие как: подбор членов экипажа, подготовка необходимых документов, организация тренингов для рядового и офицерского состава, организация перелетов членов экипажа для посадки на судно, планирование и организация смены членов экипажа с обеспечением выполнения всех необходимых формальностей, подготовкой документации и заказом билетов.
Лицензия : серия АВ No.585048, выдана 21.11.2011, срок действия - бессрочная.
Country UkraineAddress Frantsuz'ky Bulvar, 60, 904, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
We are – dynamically developing Company, working on achievement of the highest tops. We offer employment on:
We are pleased to propose to our seafarers:
PH/F: +38 048 73 77 009
MOB. +38 068 122 19 92; +38 099 083 18 76
Морское агентство Marine Agency Kherson (MAK) осуществляет подбор экипажей на морские суда иностранных судовладельцев и судоходных компаний торгового, танкерного и оффшорного флотов, а также оказывает помощь в трудоустройстве моряков, принимая во внимание их подготовку, навыки и прошлый опыт.
Основной целью для агентства MAK является: обеспечение выполнения поставленных перед плавсоставом задач, а также учет особенностей в обслуживании разных типов судов.
Команда агенства MAK предлагает не только лучшие решения по менеджменту экипажей в соответствии с необходимыми требованиями судоходства, но также может сформировать и специальные предложения для конкретных запросов судовладельцев. Мы, в первую очередь, ориентируемся на качество предоставляемых услуг по предоставлению работы для моряков и квалифицированных экипажей для судовладельцев.
В этом можно убедиться, начав работать с нами, и получить от нас только самое лучшее! -
Country UkraineAddress Uspenska St, 39/1, 23, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Cymare Ukraine S.C. is a subsidary crew manning agency of Cymare Shipmanagement Ltd (Cyprus). It provides crew manning services to Cymare Shipmanagement and third party ship owners. Applicants can apply via or send CV by email [email protected]