Mariupol Crewing Companies
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Country UkraineAddress 130-yi Tahanroz'koi Dyvizii St, 104, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Country UkraineAddress 71A, Lunina Ave, 71А, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Country UkraineAddress Nakhimova Ave, 162, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Главная цель крюингвого агентства - предоставление качественных услуг по трудоустройству украинских моряков на суда иностранных судовладельцев, на уровне соответствующем требованиям международного стандарта ИСО 9001: 2008. Сертификат качества «Российского регистра Морского судоходства»подтверждает высокое качество предоставляемых услуг. Стремления агентства направлены на завоевание и сохранение лидирующего положения среди множества крюинговых компаний, путем предоставления конкурентоспособных услуг, удовлетворяющие требованиям потребителей.
Jana Offshore Crew Management (Ukraine)
7, Aerodromnaya str, office 42
87500 Mariupol Ukraine
P: +380632765770, +380993829859. [email protected]Jana Offshore Crew Management (Estonia)
Постоянно требуется старший и младший ком. составы на суда иностранных судовладельцев. Боцманы, токари, ГЭСы, повара.
Есть кадетская программа для новичков и возможность трудоустройства первый раз на повышенную должность.
The “Euromariner” LLC, based in Ukraine, Mariupol, founded in 2013, operates in the sphere of crewing, marine man power supply and crew change services. Our field of activity includes complete spectrum of high standard crewing services in accordance with the requirements of STCW 95 and MLC 2006.
Country UkraineAddress Mors'kykh Desantnykiv St, 17/4, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Country UkraineAddress Chornomors'kyi Ln, 3, 8, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500Крюинговое агенство "Aina-Trading LTD", является крюингом судоходной компании "Victoria Oceanway LtD"
Судоходная компания имеет балкеры дедвейтом по 30000т и контейнеровозы по 1500TU . Возраст флота от 1992-2000г. -
Crewing Marine Agency “A.T.T. Bermudas“ is a private company organized and existing under the Laws of Ukraine has his own registered office in the port area of Mariupol which is traditionally called “ The Sea Gate of Donbass” at 35, Lunin Av., Mariupol, Ukraine, 87510.
Since its foundation in 1993 our company has been specializing in recruitment of seafarers for our partners and from the beginning was the only one private enterprise coming into the crewing market of Mariupol.
The professional skills of our staff made us the biggest, reputable crewing agency in Mariupol and the experience of our worldwide activity shows that we are the Company that seamen and ship owners can trust.
Providing the highly skilled service we have gained good results. During the last years we continuously have around 500 seafarers working on different types of vessels: dry cargo and container ships, bulk and timber carriers, tankers, Ro-Ro vessels, Reefers and tugs.
Our Ukrainian seafarers are well known around the world and the number of them working under foreign flags reached 40.000, the third highest after Philippines and Russians. And over 28.000 of them are employed by Greek Shipowners.
The main reason of successful export of Ukrainian seamen is their high professional and educational level and as a rule they have a good knowledge of English. Our sailors can work in mixed crews, adapt rather quickly and easily. This has great appeal to foreign employers since the combination of professionalism, skills and coordination is very significant in such specific human resource market as marine crewing.
All of “A.T.T. Bermudas “ candidates possess the abovementioned attributes. We are proud to say that we have the similar unlimited choice of skilled marine specialists and as professionals we are able to offer the customers highly qualified seafarers. On the other hand we propose the seafarers to take into consideration that our company afford an opportunity of the stable work and can guarantee personal approach to each candidate during his service on board and certain assistance his being at shore.
I hope you’ll see the real opportunity in our proposal and we would welcome the chance of discussing your needs immediately supplying the vessels with our best personnel. The experience we have gained makes us confident that you won’t be disappointed.
Cpt. Valentyn Plavelskyy
President of "A.T.T.-Bermudas" -
Country UkraineAddress Lunina Ave, 27, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Atlanta Ltd. Maritime Agency a large supply of profoundly qualified, licensed, certified, skilled and experienced crew of all ranks.
In our database we have more than 4700 marine specialists.Today Atlanta Ltd. Maritime Agency is renowned as a professional Crewing manager providing a number of qualified workforces of all ranks, licensed in full compliance with all IMO, ISM, ISPS and STCW-95 demands and flag state requirements, for various types of vessels, such as:
Offshore fleet =
DSV, PSV, AHTS, OSV, Drill Rigs, Drill Ships, Semisubmersible Ships, FPSO, Stand By, EERV, Survey/Research,etc.
Trade fleet =
Tankers, Chemical and Product Tankers, LPG, LNG, Ferries, Reefers, Bulk Carriers, Ro-Ro(WA/WD) vessels, etc.
Country UkraineAddress Dnipropetrovs'kyi Ln, 15, Mariupol', Donets'ka oblast, Ukraine, 87500
Компания работает с 1993 года. Имеет договора с Греческими, Немецкими, Кипорскими, Испанскими, Прибалтийскими,Норвежскими, Сингапурскими судовладельцами. Имеем в обслуживании флот - Балкера, Контейнеровозы, Рифера, Танкера (Наливные, Химические, Газовозы), Круизные, Ро Ро, Офшорный флот. Постоянно требуются комсостав на указанные типы судов.