Kherson Crewing Companies
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Country UkraineAddress Suvorova St, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73000
About us
Our company provides ship owners/managers with qualified crew members of all ranks in the shipping industry. The Marine industry is constantly evolving and our employees will continue to contribute to that evolution.
We are searching for professionals globally, who share out ambition: to be competitive, successful and a force that enhances the Marine industry. We attract, retain and energize professional individuals. We provide them with challenging and rewarding opportunities for personal growth.
We know that highly trained and reliable seafarers are the core assets of all successful shipping companies. We therefore make special efforts to create a loyalty to our company. The exceptional high rate of return is a sign that our seafarers and clients are well satisfied with the services we offer.
We have an experienced team who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you with any vacancy or personnel requests. Personal contact, trust and a fast response time are our key values.
We bring together our commitment, dedication, professional experience and continual quest for improvement with readiness to cope with diversified demands and needs of our clients to deliver best possible solutions. We are committed to providing outstanding ship management services, placing the quality of our service and the safety of our people at the heart of everything we do.
We prioritize our clients’ long term interests by adhering to stringent quality management systems with emphasis on Transparency, Accountability and Professional Integrity. Providing a great work environment for its employees, complemented with employee engagement, training and development systems, which aim to retain and develop talents goal.
Our mission
To be 100% compliant, with International and national standards in providing professional and quality maritime support services to our client and to build the largest maritime professional pool in Ukraine for effective recruitment and Placement.
Kherson ул.Пилипа Орлика 21. +380502018696 +380686811133
Консультационные услуги по трудоустройству моряков.
Помощь в оформлении виз ( шенген).
Предоставляем информацию о вакансиях (судоремонт, судоснабжение).
Помощь в трудоустройстве на суда.
Рембригады. -
We are glad to welcome you on the website of Marine Crewing Agency LLC “SEA WOLF” which is located in Kherson, Ukraine.
We have been recruiting marine personnel to work on a different type of vessels.
We perform full range of services in manning different vessels by skilled crews.
Our agency was completely licensed by Ukrainian Government for crewing and it is recognized one of the well-known agencies in Ukraine.
Our work is based on a high level of service and the responsibilities to seafarers and ships’ owners. During years of our experience we have been constantly improving the quality of our service.
Our main focus is to select and to employ the seafarers on the vessels of foreign companies. Our company has a vast database of the seafarers for different kind of vessels: tankers, bulk carriers, container carriers, general cargo and multipurpose. Currently the main specification of our agency is to serve dry cargo vessels of 4000-25000 DWT, offshore and bunkering vessels.We do our job honestly and professionally and the priority in our agency’s activity is attracting highly qualified marine personnel to the vessels and promotion at work. We are in favor of stability and confidence in the future for our seafarers and good partners.
Contact details
Tel. +380663711564, +380671949134, +38 (073) 324-14-37
Viber +380988921951 -
Country UkraineAddress Sholom-Aleikhema St, 14, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73009
Country UkraineAddress Torhova St, 37, 326, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73000
ООО «Морское крюинговое агентство SANTA LUCIA» — одна из крюинговых компаний в Украине. С 2018 года мы завоевали доверие и уважение наших партнеров; мы даем им отличную команду, полную поддержку и высокий уровень обслуживания.
ООО «Морское Крюинговое Агентство «САНТА ЛЮЧИЯ» олицетворяет стабильность в глазах наших партнеров и моряков.
Пожалуйста, заполните нашу форму заявки, после чего мы свяжемся с вами.
Телефон менеджера по персоналу: +38(066)876-34-73 Екатерина
При ООО «Морское Крюинговое Агентство «САНТА ЛЮЧИЯ» открыт отдел оказания консультации по оформлению виз и подбору туров более чем в 45 стран Мира. Телефон менеджера по визам С1/D:+38(098)209-70-56 Екатерина
- Предоставление консультации по сбору пакета документов для получения визы ,в тч С1/D (члены морских торговых экипажей)
- Визы C1/D выдаются членам экипажа, которые обеспечивают эксплуатацию и техническое обслуживание судна.
- Выписка авиабилетов и бронирование отелей
- Подбор туров. Горящие туры
- Оформление туристических страховых полюсов.
LLC “SANTA LUCIA” Maritime Crewing Agency” is one of the crew management companies in Ukraine. Since 2018, we have won the trust and respect of our partners; we give them an excellent team, fullsupport and the high level of service.
LLC “SANTA LUCIA” Maritime Crewing Agency” represents stability in the eyes of our partners and seamen.Please fill our application form, then we will contact with you. HR manager phone: +38(066)876-34-73 Ekaterina
At Marine Crewing Agency SANTA LUCHIA LLC, a department has been opened to provide advice on obtaining visas and selecting tours to more than 45 countries of the world. Phone number of C1/D visa manager: +38(098)209-70-56 Ekaterina
Providing advice on the collection of a package of documents for obtaining a visa, including C1 / D (members of maritime merchant crews)
C1/D visas are issued to crew members who provide the operation and maintenance of the vessel.
Issuance of air tickets and hotel reservations
Selection of tours. Hot tours
Registration of travel insurance policies.
Country UkraineAddress Yaroslava Mudroho St, 27, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73009
Джей Стар Меритайм - крюинговое агенство, основанное в 2017 году. Типы судов, на которые мы предоставляем украинских офицеров и рядовой состав, варьируются от еврокостеров и небольших многоцелевых судов Heavy Lift до контейнеровозов, Ro-Pax и PCTC до крупногабаритных навалочных судов (до 180 000 DWT). Суда работают по всему миру со смешанными экипажами на борту.
Одним из важных достижений нашего агентства является проект Junior Maritime Project (, основанный в 2017 году и позволяющий выпускникам, действующим навигаторам, получать или совершенствовать соответствующие практические знания.
J Star Maritime Ltd. is a crewing agency establised in 2017 and dedicated to provide to the Owners/Managers highly qualified fleet personnel. The types of vessels to which we provide Ukrainian Officers and Ratings complements range from Eurocoasters and small Multi-Purpose HL vessels through Container ships, Ro-Pax and Car Carriers to big-sized Bulk Carriers (of up to 180,000 DWT). All the vessels are engaged in worldwide trade with mixed crews on board.
One of the important achievements of our agency is the Junior Maritime Project (, founded in 2017 and allows graduates, acting navigators to receive or to improve relevant practical knowledge.