Ukraine Crewing Companies
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время работы: понедельник -пятница с 10:00 да 18:00 по Киеву
VIBER +380974841783
Seagrid Crew Management is an accessible recruitment service provider that offers convenient high quality service to its clients, while maintaining high attention to skills, qualification and high working standards of the professionals recruited. We are focusing on providing the best marine personnel for a range of clients mostly in offshore
Oil & Gas IndustryWe are always looking for professionals in offshore industry. If you think
you’d be a good fit, please write to us or fill up online application form for faster employment.e-mail: [email protected]
Country UkraineAddress Nebesnoi Sotni Ave, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
ООО «Морское крюинговое агентство SANTA LUCIA» — одна из крюинговых компаний в Украине. С 2018 года мы завоевали доверие и уважение наших партнеров; мы даем им отличную команду, полную поддержку и высокий уровень обслуживания.
ООО «Морское Крюинговое Агентство «САНТА ЛЮЧИЯ» олицетворяет стабильность в глазах наших партнеров и моряков.
Пожалуйста, заполните нашу форму заявки, после чего мы свяжемся с вами.
Телефон менеджера по персоналу: +38(066)876-34-73 Екатерина
При ООО «Морское Крюинговое Агентство «САНТА ЛЮЧИЯ» открыт отдел оказания консультации по оформлению виз и подбору туров более чем в 45 стран Мира. Телефон менеджера по визам С1/D:+38(098)209-70-56 Екатерина
- Предоставление консультации по сбору пакета документов для получения визы ,в тч С1/D (члены морских торговых экипажей)
- Визы C1/D выдаются членам экипажа, которые обеспечивают эксплуатацию и техническое обслуживание судна.
- Выписка авиабилетов и бронирование отелей
- Подбор туров. Горящие туры
- Оформление туристических страховых полюсов.
LLC “SANTA LUCIA” Maritime Crewing Agency” is one of the crew management companies in Ukraine. Since 2018, we have won the trust and respect of our partners; we give them an excellent team, fullsupport and the high level of service.
LLC “SANTA LUCIA” Maritime Crewing Agency” represents stability in the eyes of our partners and seamen.Please fill our application form, then we will contact with you. HR manager phone: +38(066)876-34-73 Ekaterina
At Marine Crewing Agency SANTA LUCHIA LLC, a department has been opened to provide advice on obtaining visas and selecting tours to more than 45 countries of the world. Phone number of C1/D visa manager: +38(098)209-70-56 Ekaterina
Providing advice on the collection of a package of documents for obtaining a visa, including C1 / D (members of maritime merchant crews)
C1/D visas are issued to crew members who provide the operation and maintenance of the vessel.
Issuance of air tickets and hotel reservations
Selection of tours. Hot tours
Registration of travel insurance policies.
Country UkraineAddress Обсерваторний провулок, 27, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
STMA Ltd. is one of the leading crewing Companies which works on official basis, according to the Ukrainian International Law, with the support of Unlimited Manning License.
Our Crewing agency about 10 years on the crewing market, would like to offer you our services for selection of Officers and Rating personnel of highly skilled level
The strict adherence to International Quality Standards and full compliance with IMO, STCW, SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM, ISO 9001:2008 and latest MLC 2006 requirements are our successful tools to fulfill our Clients’ demands.
Above all our professional Marine and Shore based staff is dedicated to manage Ships and Crew safely and effectively.
A combination of traditional marine skills integrated comprehensive IT technology makes STMA Ltd. one of the best in third party of Crew Management.
Our success is the direct result of the long term work on the quality system improvement and its implementation into all processes.
STMA globally competes to get recognition as one of the best crew providers for trade marine. Therefore, we are providing our Clients with the highly qualified Seafarers, those who meet the requirements and standards of the modern marine industry. -
OCEAN ARMADA" is an innovative crew manning agency which provides effective ship crew management solutions to the shipping companies worldwide.
We deal both with offshore and merchant fleet.
We provide:tailor-made services to our clients, focusing on the clients′ major needs, efficiency and cost-saving policy. We work with long-term crew planning and arrangements, training, safety familiarization, liaising with vessel regarding any matters.
Friendly team available 24/7. -
Country UkraineAddress Yelisavetynska St, 9, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Country UkraineAddress Yaroslava Mudroho St, 27, Kherson, Khersons'ka oblast, Ukraine, 73009
Джей Стар Меритайм - крюинговое агенство, основанное в 2017 году. Типы судов, на которые мы предоставляем украинских офицеров и рядовой состав, варьируются от еврокостеров и небольших многоцелевых судов Heavy Lift до контейнеровозов, Ro-Pax и PCTC до крупногабаритных навалочных судов (до 180 000 DWT). Суда работают по всему миру со смешанными экипажами на борту.
Одним из важных достижений нашего агентства является проект Junior Maritime Project (, основанный в 2017 году и позволяющий выпускникам, действующим навигаторам, получать или совершенствовать соответствующие практические знания.
J Star Maritime Ltd. is a crewing agency establised in 2017 and dedicated to provide to the Owners/Managers highly qualified fleet personnel. The types of vessels to which we provide Ukrainian Officers and Ratings complements range from Eurocoasters and small Multi-Purpose HL vessels through Container ships, Ro-Pax and Car Carriers to big-sized Bulk Carriers (of up to 180,000 DWT). All the vessels are engaged in worldwide trade with mixed crews on board.
One of the important achievements of our agency is the Junior Maritime Project (, founded in 2017 and allows graduates, acting navigators to receive or to improve relevant practical knowledge.
Country UkraineAddress Yevhena Chykalenka St, 9a, Kyiv, Ukraine, 02000
Country UkraineAddress Lesi Ukrainky Ave, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
OPTUS MARINE CREW MANAGEMENT LTD is constantly looking for qualified and hard working seafarers, appreciating honesty and professionalism.
MLC 2006 compliance approved by Bureau Veritas quarantees that all services are rendered in accordance with MLC 2006 requirements.
All our services are free of charge for seafarers. Applicants are not required to pay any commissions.
Applying to OPTUS MARINE CREW MANAGEMENT LTD you will have a fair opportunity to:
- obtain highest quality services at no costs;
- work for first-class world known ship owner and ship operators;
- get competitive salary in accordance with your qualification and experience;
- identify your training needs;
- improve your professional skills;
- get advice and assistance in obtaining STCW documents, VISA, etc.;
- get 24 hours a day, 7 days a week assistance during travel;
- get professional support and advice during your tenure on board;
INTERIDAN Company Ltd has been organized by the experts possessing great experience in the field of employment of staff of marine and onshore specialists and this allows us to be competitive in the services sector of the labor market.
The company acts as an agent hiring staff for shipping companies as well as companies working with various projects on the coast. The right to employment of Ukrainian citizens is provided by the License issued by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy of Ukraine.
• employment of officers and ratings
• all kinds of services for the full crew manning
• organization of crews arriving onboard
• the services of manned repair teams (painting, hull, welding
works of any complexity)
• advisory services on registration of diplomas, certificates
• selection and hiring of personnel for onshore projects.
Black Sea Services
21st of January str., Building 37
73000 Kherson
Ukraine[email protected]
Mob: +38 050 9973234