Ukraine Crewing Companies
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Country UkraineAddress Balkivs'ka St, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Country UkraineAddress Польський узвіз, 6, 4, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Aqua-Navigation Crew Recruitment and Management company provides a full range of services for the selection and employment of seafarers on ships with a foreign flag.
Company has the excellent experience in recruitment and selection of qualified seafarers for different type of vessels. One of the main principles of the company is an individual approach to the each candidate.
We are collaborating with Maritime Training Centers, Maritime Academy, Medical Centers and Marine Transport Workers’ Trade Union of Ukraine.
The office staff are highly qualified and experienced employees with relevant skills in the employment of seafarers.
Aqua-Navigation Crew Management company is licensed:
- Bureau Veritas “Standard for Quality Management System of Seafarer Manning Offices” and Regulation 1.4 of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006.
We are always looking forward for efficient cooperation!
Country UkraineAddress Niny Strokatoi St, 10, 5, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Candidates ONLY with Offshore experience
“Next Crew” LLC – is recruiting and manning agency.
Established in 2021.
We provide our sevices for both shore and maine businesses.
Next Crew promotes clear, legal and high international standards approach for business.
We want to have nothing, but a trust between us and our partners, that is why we built an excellent Company Management System, which lets to establish an excellent processual approach to all activities and to requests of our customers.
Main focus of our activities is Crew Management Services to supply and manage qualified crew on board of worldwide fleet. -
Компанія URCG наймає висококваліфікований персонал в Україні для працевлаштування за кордоном. Наші пріоритети - це відбір та оформлення кандидатів на роботу у сфері виробництва, логістиці, готельному бізнесі, роботи для моряків, технічних спеціальностей, послуг та інше.
Ми пропонуємо роботу як для кваліфікованого персоналу, так і для кандидатів без досвіду роботи. Ми також проводимо як поодинокі, так і масові пошуки персоналу та їх оформлення
Country UkraineAddress Люстдорфська дорога, 140, 2425, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
"SC Prestige" Ltd. was founded in 1993.
Today it's MLC 2006 approved shipping company, based in Odessa, Ukraine, which successfully operates and developes in the field of cooperation with foreign partners.
Our company provides Principals with well-educated and competent seamen from a single seafarer to a complete crew for all types of merchant vessels. All seafarers are experienced and have appropriate diplomas and certificates in accordance with STCW 78/95 Convention.
About us
Our company provides ship owners/managers with qualified crew members of all ranks in the shipping industry. The Marine industry is constantly evolving and our employees will continue to contribute to that evolution.
We are searching for professionals globally, who share out ambition: to be competitive, successful and a force that enhances the Marine industry. We attract, retain and energize professional individuals. We provide them with challenging and rewarding opportunities for personal growth.
We know that highly trained and reliable seafarers are the core assets of all successful shipping companies. We therefore make special efforts to create a loyalty to our company. The exceptional high rate of return is a sign that our seafarers and clients are well satisfied with the services we offer.
We have an experienced team who is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to help you with any vacancy or personnel requests. Personal contact, trust and a fast response time are our key values.
We bring together our commitment, dedication, professional experience and continual quest for improvement with readiness to cope with diversified demands and needs of our clients to deliver best possible solutions. We are committed to providing outstanding ship management services, placing the quality of our service and the safety of our people at the heart of everything we do.
We prioritize our clients’ long term interests by adhering to stringent quality management systems with emphasis on Transparency, Accountability and Professional Integrity. Providing a great work environment for its employees, complemented with employee engagement, training and development systems, which aim to retain and develop talents goal.
Our mission
To be 100% compliant, with International and national standards in providing professional and quality maritime support services to our client and to build the largest maritime professional pool in Ukraine for effective recruitment and Placement.
We are glad to introduce, in few words, our highly professional crewing company and highly motivated team.
- «M Shipping ltd » vision to employ professional and verified Ukrainian seafarers and crew to meet the needs of Ship Owners.
- As a crewing agent and manning agent the «M Shipping ltd» recruits, screens and supplies crew to Ship Owners and Managers of vessels since 2007.
- «M Shipping ltd» ISO and MLC certifiedPlease, feel free to contact us to start negotiation and appreciate to verify rest information on our website.
Country UkraineAddress вул, Спиридонівська вулиця, 8, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
Наша компания «G-Marine», расположена в крупнейшем южном порту Украины в Одессе и занимается подбором и комплектацией экипажа для судоходных компаний. Компания полностью лицензирована по украинскому законодательству для данного вида деятельности и соответствует всем требованиям.
Компания «G-Marine» основана в 2013 г. На протяжении 9 лет мы сотрудничаем с судовладельцами европейских и азиатских стран. Компания уделяет особое внимание уровню и квалификации экипажа, их профессиональной подготовке. Компания специализируется на подборе экипажа или отдельных членов экипажа на типы судов: балкера, танкера, реф.судов и др.HOT VACANCIES:
Arowana Club provides manning for offshore, merchant fleet, fleet contains of specialized vessels.
Country UkraineAddress Sviatoslava Karavanskoho St, 34, Odesa, Odes'ka oblast, Ukraine, 65000
С нами легко
Genco South Group was founded in 2015. We specialize in the selection of qualified officers and ordinary crew for vessels of foreign shipowners. Our management has more than 100 vessels such as container vessel's, bulk carriers, general cargo, multipurpose vessels and ro-ro.UAE, German, Greek, Turkish and Albanian shipowners trust us.
Our team consists of highly qualified specialists, professors of maritime educational institutions and acting sailors who conduct dozens of interviews every working day and look through hundreds of newly arrived application forms to select only the best candidates for our vessels.