Saint Petersburg Crewing Companies
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Saint Petersburg Crewing Companies
Country RussiaAddress Ulitsa Voroshilova, 33 корпус 1, 1н, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 193231
Country RussiaAddress Gapsal'skaya Ulitsa, 5а, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 198035
“Saint Petersburg Maritime Company” was established in 1998. Selection and hiring of shipboard personnel for different types of vessels belonging to Russian and foreign vessel-owners was defined as one of the general activities of the company. In November 2006 the company entered Norbulk Shipping UK LTD – a large international shipping group.
Always welcomed: Masters, Chief Officers, Chief Engineers, Second Engineers, and other experienced officers with good knowledge of English language, experienced on Bulkers and willing to work in multinational crew.
Bulkers, handy size, 2011-2016 years. -
Country RussiaAddress Petrogradskaya naberezhnaya, 36а, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 197046
Country RussiaAddress Galernaya Ulitsa, 21, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 190000
Country RussiaAddress Rizhskaya Ulitsa, 5, 311, Sankt-Peterburg, Russia, 195196
трудоустройство моряков на суда иностранных судовладельцев, высокие оклады, короткие контракты
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