2nd Engineer

  • Зарплата: $ 6 000 у міс.
  • Тип судна: Cruise Liner
  • Дата посадки: 03/12/2024
  • Довжина контракту: 4 місяць

  • Прапор судна: Panama
  • Судновласник: Panama
  • Регіон роботи судна: По всему миру
  • Назва судна: PACIFIC WORLD
Інформація про вакансію 2nd Engineer (for Cruise Liner):

WAGES - 6000 USD
Job Description is Below :
• Shall be responsible to the Chief Engineer for looking after the machinery and its safe and efficient operation during the engine room watch.
• He must have intimate knowledge of all cargo handling machinery, pipe line systems, deck machinery and fire-fighting equipment aboard the vessel.
• For purposes of maintenance, overhauls, supervision of repairs, he will carry out all work, duties allotted to him by Second Engineer who is his immediate senior.
• To assist when bunkering and will carry out any other assignment allotted to him by his senior officers in connection with the ship’s work.
• Watch-keeping Duties: Normally 1200-1600 and 0000-0400 watches. Where additional Third Engineer is provided, the senior most among Third Engineers will keep this watch. The Chief Engineer may change these duties if considered appropriate.
• Responsible to maintain, overhaul, carry out and/or supervise repairs to the ‘Emergency Air Compressors’, Emergency Generator, Motor Boat Engines’, all fixed fire extinguishers / fire-fighting installations.
• To test boiler water, M/E piston cooling water, M/E jacket cooling water etc. under guidance of the Chief Engineer.

456 переглядів (11 сьогодні)
Гарячі вакансії

2nd Engineer United States of America Seafair

  • Зарплата: $ 7 200 у міс.
  • Тип судна: Bulk Carrier
  • Дата посадки: 20/09/2024
  • Довжина контракту: 4 місяць

2nd Engineer Ukraine GLOBAL SEAWAYS ODESSA

  • Зарплата: $ 7 200 - $ 7 500 у міс.
  • Тип судна: Bulk Carrier
  • Дата посадки: 06/10/2024
  • Довжина контракту: 5 місяць

2nd Engineer Ukraine Dese Crew Management

  • Зарплата: $ 7 700 у міс.
  • Тип судна: Bulk Carrier
  • Дата посадки: 30/09/2024
  • Довжина контракту: 4 місяць

Повний перелік вакансій 2nd Engineer
Більше вакансій для 2nd Engineer на Cruise Liner
  • Зарплата: Договірна зарплата
  • Тип судна: Cruise Liner
  • Дата посадки: 25/09/2024
  • Довжина контракту: 3 місяць
Columbia Shipmanagement Ukraine