Assistant Restaurant Manager

  • Зарплата: $ 829 - $ 829 у міс.
  • Тип судна: Відсутнє
  • Дата посадки: 30/01/2020
  • Довжина контракту: 8 місяць

Інформація про вакансію Assistant Restaurant Manager:

Position Description:

We are looking for people with some experience in the hospitality industry or willingness to get a new experience in the restaurant department.

As a Restaurant Attendant, you will work closely with the Restaurant Supervisor or Head Waiter to perform service functions in various dining venues onboard.

Additional information:

With this opportunity, you will gain new knowledge in the casino department, work with multiple nationalities and have good chances of promotion to other roles in the future.

If you are interested please apply through the link as follows:

Contracts are generally around 8 months onboard, with a 2 month (unpaid) vacation, with opportunities to return for further contracts. Onboard you will share a cabin. Your accommodation and meals will be provided free of charge.

To be considered for this role, you must have an intermediate level of English
(or higher), and your interview will take place in English, via Video Link.

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