OJ Crew

Інформація про OJ Crew

OJ Crew Lithuanian based Manning Company is Licensed and MLC 2006 certified international HR crew management services provider for maritime, By forming sustainable relationships built on loyalty, knowledge and reliability we provide recruitment services of substance and value. We conduct ourselves with professionalism, accountability and work excellence, continually striving to identify the best recruitment practice procedures whilst innovating the highest industry standards.

Working with Merchant and Offshore Clients


Please send your CV applications to follow emails: [email protected]

Mob. :  +370 631 68402


Cell Tel: +37046494544

Office email: [email protected]


OJ Crew is always looking for self-motivated, experienced, competent candidates with good English skills and qualification. You are welcome to contact us for further information. Our company does not take fees or scam You in any other way. You get what the possible employer offers.


All candidates are welcome to present their data.

246964 переглядів останнє оновлення: 09.01.2025

Вакансії OJ Crew

2nd Officer


$ 225 в день

11.04.2025 (7 тижня)


Repair Vessel

$ 600 в день

15.04.2025 (8 тижня)


Other vessels

$ 5 900 у міс.

28.04.2025 (4 місяць)

3rd Engineer

Bulk Carrier

€ 4 000 у міс.

18.04.2025 (4 місяць)

2nd Engineer

Bulk Carrier

€ 7 500 у міс.

05.05.2025 (4 місяць)

Chief Engineer

Bulk Carrier

€ 9 000 у міс.

18.05.2025 (4 місяць)

3rd Engineer


$ 3 699 у міс.

31.03.2025 (4 місяць)

2nd Officer


$ 3 699 у міс.

30.04.2025 (4 місяць)

Chief Engineer

General Cargo

$ 9 000 у міс.

25.04.2025 (4 місяць)


Container Ship

$ 6 478 у міс.

10.04.2025 (4 місяць)

Single Engineer

General Cargo

$ 6 500 у міс.

07.04.2025 (3 місяць)


Other vessels

$ 350 в день

29.03.2025 (8 тижня)

 Усі вакансії для моряків
Найбільш популярні компанії
Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

Mala Arnautskaya 17

Сабанський провулок, 3, 11H, Одеса,

г. Одесса, Мукачевский переулок 4В, офис 4

6 Pils. Street, Riga LV-1050, Latvia
