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Fitter / Welder

  • Wage: $ 3 200 per month
  • Vessel Type: High Speed Craft
  • Start date: 25/09/2024
  • Contract duration: 3 months

  • Vessel Flag: Cyprus
  • Vessel DWT: 3989
  • Main Engine, kW: 17280
Information about vacancy Fitter / Welder (for High Speed Craft):

- Should have licence for Able seaman/ Rating
- Hold all documents & certificate necessary, including passenger ship cert
- Vessel Information: Ship’s type is FAST FERRY | Power: 17280 Kw | Flag: Cyprus | GT: 3989
- Monthly salary all included : 3200 Euros (3 +/-1 Months contract) is night shift
- Currently in Shipyard - Cadiz on/abt 15 days. 19,30 euros daily for food allowance and Apartment paid by Company.

1009 viewed (1 today)
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  • Vessel Type: Container Ship
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