MA Adriatico Brig

Information about MA Adriatico Brig

The Adriatico-Brig Maritime Agency has a state license from the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy of Ukraine for mediation in the employment of Ukrainian citizens to work abroad.

89716 views Last update: 25.11.2024

MA Adriatico Brig Job(s)

Chief Officer

Bulk Carrier

$ 7 200 per month

27.03.2025 (6 months)


Bulk Carrier

$ 5 500 per month

02.04.2025 (6 months)

El. Engineer


$ 6 400 per month

14.04.2025 (5 months)

 All Vacancies
Most Viewed Companies
ул.Атамана Головатого 92

Ukraine, Odessa, Lustdorfskaya Lane 140A, 2420 office

г. Одесса, Мукачевский переулок 4В, офис 4

Shevchenko av., 4d. Off. 42,

6 Pils. Street, Riga LV-1050, Latvia

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