Deck Cadet
- Wage: $ 530 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 08/08/2024
- Contract duration: 4 months
- Seaman Citizenship: Russia, Ukraine, European Union
- Vessel Flag: Portugal
- Vessel Owner: Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
- Trading Region: Baltic Sea
- Vessel Image:
- Vessel Name: NAVITA
- Vessel DWT: 4800
- Vessel ME Type: Wartsila
- Main Engine, kW: 3329
- Vessel Year Built: 1984
812 viewed (1 today)
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Deck Cadet Lithuania
- Wage: $ 580 per month
- Vessel Type: Container Ship
- Start date: 10/01/2025
- Contract duration: 4 months
Deck Cadet Ukraine
- Wage: $ 550 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 14/02/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
More Vacancies for Deck Cadet on General Cargo
- Wage: $ 550 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 14/02/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months