Category STCW Maritime Training
Duration 5 hours
Location Manchester, UK
Dates Unlimited
Course format Online
Course introduction

About the Course

The Crowd Management and Passenger Safety Liberian Approved (LISCR) training is required for all personnel designated to assist passengers in an emergency, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Assessing the situation and providing an effective response.
  • Leading and directing others.
  • Identifying signs and symptoms of excessive personal stress, and the stress response to others.
  • Understanding that stress can affect performance and the ability to act.
  • Being aware of the reaction patterns of passengers and other personnel in emergencies and recognising specific behaviours of passengers and other personnel.

This course is based on the guidelines of IMO Model Course 1.28 and STCW Regulation A-V/2 and aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of masters, officers, ratings, and other personnel on passenger ships in STCW Code (2010): Section A-V/2 & A-V/3.

Aims of the Course

The Crowd Management & Passenger Safety Training course is STCW Compliant. It adheres to the MNTB’s Knowledge, Understanding and Proficiency (KUP) in the use of all techniques, information, and equipment supplied to deal with an emergency, including familiarisation with all safety aspects of the ship and the ability to effectively communicate with passengers and fully prepare them for an emergency. The Passenger Safety Training has the following crew-training aims:

  • Control a crowd in an emergency situation on board.
  • Locate essential safety and emergency equipment on board.
  • Communicate effectively with passengers during an emergency.
  • Demonstrate the use of personal life-saving appliances.
  • Comply with the ship’s safety and emergency procedures.

Target Audience

This course covers the minimum standard of competence for Masters, Chief Mates, Chief Engineers, Second Engineer Officers, and any other member of the crew assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging, or securing cargo, or for closing hull openings, and any other person having responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergencies on ro-ro and non-ro-ro passenger ships, cruise ships, and luxury yachts.

Awarding Body

This STCW’78 (as Amended) Crowd Management & Passenger Safety course is fully Approved under the Liberian Registry (LISCR) and is fully compliant with the Standard of Training, Certification & Watchkeeping [STCW]. IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you read the information contained within the CERTIFICATIONS Tab on this course page.

Useful information


  • Introduction to Shipping Legislation
  • STCW 2010 Requirements
  • Safer Ship Operation
  • Life-Saving Appliances and Control Plans
  • Assembly and Emergency Embarkation
  • Mustering Procedures
  • The Psychology of Emergencies
  • Design and Operational Limitations of the Ship
  • Operating Hull Openings
  • Legislation & Codes affecting Ro-Ro Passenger Ships
  • Stability & Stress Requirements
  • Special Equipment Maintenance
  • Loading & Cargo Securing
  • Dangerous Cargo Areas
  • Emergency Procedures
  • Communication
  • Life-Saving Appliances
  • Case Studies: Tragedies from Maritime History
  • Presentation of Past Maritime Tragedies
  • Analysis of Mistakes Made
  • Key Learnings & Recommendations
Technical requirements

Course Duration

The STCW’78 Crowd Management & Passenger Safety Training duration is approximately five hours. A slight variation is allowed for individual reading speeds, but this minimum must be met in order to successfully pass this course. Learners may enter and exit the course as often as they require. Your licence allows you access to the course for up to six months to complete (if required) or upon successful completion of the course.

Completion of Course Certificate Stage

Upon successful completion of the course and associated assessment, VIRSEC will verify your ID, the time spent on the course, and your assessment score. Once all has been successfully verified, we will email you a digital copy of the Completion of Course Certificate. This certificate will act as proof of course attendance and successful completion that must then be sent to the Liberian Registry to receive the Official Liberian Registry Approved Certificate. The processes for both Liberian Seaman’s Identification & Records Book holders, and non-holders are detailed below. Please ensure you fully understand the process for certification purposes.

  • For Liberian Seaman’s Book Holders

For mariners holding the Liberian Seaman’s Identification & Records Book, you can apply directly for the official certificate and there will be a small administration charge to you from the Liberian Registry (approximately USD $45 – This may be subject to change).

Whilst waiting for your official certificate, you may request from the Liberian Registry a ‘Certificate Receipt Application (CRA)’ to prove you have passed the course and have applied and waiting for the official certificate from the Liberian Registry. You can search for and download M. Notice RLM-118 from the Liberian Registry website for all relevant information and application processes.

  • For Non-Liberian Seaman’s Book Holders

For mariners who do not hold the Liberian Seaman’s Identification & Records Book, you must apply for a Liberian Seaman’s Identification & Records Book (applications via Liberian Registry cost USD $70 at present – subject to change) and there is a 2-week turnaround on this. Once you have your Liberian Seaman’s Identification & Records Book, you can apply for the official certificate, and there will be a small administration charge to you from the Liberian Registry (approximately USD $45 – This may be subject to change).

Whilst waiting for your official certificate, you may request from the Liberian Registry a ‘Certificate Receipt Application (CRA)’ to prove you have passed the course and have applied and waiting for the official certificate from the Liberian Registry. You can the search for and download M. Notice RLM-118 from the Liberian Registry website for all relevant information and application processes.

Please Note: The Liberian Registry recommend that you check whether their certificate is accepted by the (a) vessel, (b) company, or (c) Flag Administration for whose vessel you will be working on. Regardless of IMO Whitelisting, certain countries Administrations do not accept Liberian Registry certificates.

Book or enquire


Selected Course Schedule Details

Manchester, UK
Chosen start date
5 hours
Course schedule