Категорія STCW Maritime Training
Продолжительность 21 час
Место Manchester, UK
Даты Необмежено
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Online Ship Security Officer (SSO) Course - UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA) Approved

STCW ISPS Maritime Security Training for Potential Ship Security Officers Onboard Cruise Ships & Passenger Vessels – IMO Model Course 3.19 - Internationally Recognised 

The UK MCA Approved Ship Security Officer (SSO) Course, also known as the Vessel Security Officer (VSO) Course, aims to provide potential Ship Security Officers with essential education and training aligned with the knowledge, understanding, and proficiency requirements outlined in the 2010 Manila Amendments. The STCW Ship Security Officer Course at VIRSEC is perfect for any crew assigned to the Ship Security Officer position under the relevant ISPS Code requirements.

Awarding Body

The STCW Ship Security Officer Course is fully approved by the UK DfT Maritime & Coastguard Agency and holds international recognition and acceptance. It encompasses the 2010 Manila Amendments and aligns with the requirements of Section A-VI/5, paragraphs 1 to 4 of the STCW Convention and Code while considering the guidance provided in Section B-VI/5 of the Code and Table A-VI/5.

Полезная информация

Course Learning Outcomes

The Ship Security Officer Course aligns with the learning outcomes established by the Merchant Navy Training Board. After completing the course and receiving your Ship Security Officer Certificate, you should have a comprehensive understanding of the following outcomes:

  1. The learner understands the importance of ship security and the roles and responsibilities of organisations and individuals involved in it.
  2. The learner knows how to assess security risks, threats and vulnerabilities to the ship, its personnel, cargo, and operations.
  3. The learner understands the capabilities and limitations of security methods, equipment, and systems.
  4. The learner knows how to implement a Ship Security Plan and related regulatory requirements.
  5. The learner knows how to determine the effectiveness of current security arrangements, procedures, and equipment.
  6. The learner understands how to promote security awareness and vigilance on board a ship.
Технические требования


  • The Development of the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code.
  • Understand the roles and responsibilities of relevant bodies and organisations.
  • The roles and responsibilities of Contracting Governments, Designated Authorities, and Recognised Security Organisations.
  • The Security Roles & Responsibilities of Crew and Port Security Personnel.
  • Measures and Procedures for Maritime Security [MARSEC] Levels.
  • Recognition of weapons, dangerous substances, and devices.
  • Recognition of persons who may pose a threat to the security of the ship.
  • Identifying techniques used to circumvent security measures.
  • The handling of Sensitive Security-Related Information [SSRI] and Communications.
  • Identifying security threats including Maritime Piracy & Armed Robbery against Shipping.
  • Declarations of Security [DoS].
  • The On-Scene Security Survey.
  • The Ship Security Assessment [SSA].
  • The Ship Security Plan [SSP].
  • The provisions for maintaining security.
  • Criteria for setting Maritime Security [MARSEC] levels under the ISPS Code.
  • Actions to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices being brought on board.
  • Guidance and measure for Anti-Piracy and Anti-Armed Robbery.
  • Responses to Emergency Situations including Maritime Piracy & Armed Robbery against Shipping.
  • Physical Searches & Non-Intrusive Inspections.
  • Crowd Management & Control Requirements.
  • Crew Training, Emergency Drills & Exercises.
  • European Commission [DG MOVE] and European Maritime Safety Agency.
  • Port and Flag States.
  • UK DfT Maritime Security and the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
  • Recognised Security Organisations and limitations in their use.
  • The Shipping Company.
  • Masters Authority and Discretion for Ship Safety and Security.
  • Authority of the Duly Authorised Officer [DAO].
  • The legal implications for seafarers and security personnel.
  • The requirement for the provision of the ship identification number [SIN], Automatic Identification System [AIS], Ship Security Alert System [SSAS] and Long-Range Identification and Tracking [LRIT].
  • The purpose and control of the continuous synopsis record [CSR].
  • The purpose and use of the Long-Range Identification and Tracking [LRIT].

Official Assessment

Upon completing the six learning outcomes of this Ship Security Officer Course, learners must pass an official assessment. To successfully complete and pass the course, learners must achieve a minimum score of 70%. 

The assessment comprises multiple-choice questions and true or false response questions that are randomly selected from two banks of questions. The Ship Security Officer Course is an ‘open book’ assessment, and it is permissible to use any notes made or the official course notes available to you during the assessment to research the correct responses.

Pre-Requisites of Attendance

Following the mandatory regulations of the UK Department for Transport Maritime & Coastguard Agency, individuals interested in enrolling in the course must have either 12 months of sea service or, at the discretion of the MCA, suitable sea service (a minimum of 3 months) and familiarity with ship operations to effectively meet the learning objectives. Enrolling in this course confirms that you meet the specified prerequisites.

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Selected Course Schedule Details

Manchester, UK
Chosen start date
21 hours
Course schedule