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ETO: Mubarak Supporter - Cable laying vessel / 2015-12-12 - 2016-02-24 (2 months)
ETO: Mubarak Supporter - Cable laying vessel / 2015-12-12 - 2016-02-24 (2 months)
ETO: Mubarak Supporter - Cable laying vessel / 2015-07-05 - 2015-09-25 (3 months)
ETO: EXCEL - Jack-up Platform / 2014-02-24 - 2014-07-01 (4 months)
Fish-Processor: Kristal - Fishing vessel / 2015-03-11 - 2016-02-11 (11 months)
Electric Cadet: mt Askholmen - Oil Products Tanker / 2015-07-05 - 2015-12-13 (5 months)
Electric Cadet: mt Power D - VLCC / 2014-06-03 - 2014-12-15 (6 months)
Electric Cadet: mv HORNBAY - Reefer / 2013-05-21 - 2013-09-19 (4 months)
Motorman: Булат - Other vessels / 2015-10-10 - 2015-12-10 (2 months)
Motorman: Багермейстер Звеков - Other vessels / 2007-10-10 - 2009-04-02 (1 year)
AB / Crane Operator: C-Rambler - Platform Supply vessel / 2014-12-02 - 2015-12-03 (1 year)
3rd Engineer: SOUTHERN STAR - Container Ship / 2015-07-09 - 2015-11-26 (5 months)
3rd Engineer: SOUTHER STAR - Container Ship / 2015-07-09 - 2015-11-26 (5 months)
3rd Engineer: Arabian Sea FOS - AHTS / 2014-06-01 - 2014-09-27 (4 months)
4th Engineer: GIBRALTAR - Dredger / 2012-12-22 - 2013-06-10 (6 months)
2nd Engineer: Байковск - Fishing vessel / 2015-05-05 - 2015-10-23 (6 months)
2nd Engineer: Н.Кузнецов - Fishing vessel / 2011-09-03 - 2011-10-20 (2 months)
3rd Engineer: Mainstream - Fishing vessel / 2010-04-27 - 2010-10-23 (6 months)
4th Engineer: Baltic Commander I - Chemical tanker / 2015-05-26 - 2015-10-18 (5 months)
4th Engineer: BALTIC WIND - Chemical tanker / 2014-07-12 - 2015-01-25 (6 months)
Motorman: m/t marilena - Chemical tanker / 2012-08-30 - 2013-02-28 (6 months)
Motorman: marilena - Chemical tanker / 2012-08-30 - 2013-02-28 (6 months)
Motorman: M.Y. ANTARKTIC - Chemical tanker / 2011-11-30 - 2012-05-30 (6 months)
Electrician: нет - Cement Carrier / 2015-08-01 - 2015-08-28 (1 month)
El. Eng. Assistant: Spirit of Auckland - Container Ship / 2014-09-19 - 2015-04-01 (6 months)
El. Eng. Assistant: Spirit of Auckland - Container Ship / 2014-02-10 - 2014-09-03 (7 months)
AB Seaman: Gloster-1 - Chemical tanker / 2014-07-30 - 2015-02-28 (7 months)
AB Seaman: Ice Hawk - General cargo / 2012-04-04 - 2012-08-24 (5 months)
Motorman: Thekla - General cargo / 2011-10-07 - 2012-01-25 (4 months)
OS: Alexia - Dry Cargo / 2010-11-07 - 2011-04-26 (6 months)
OS: Сhristina - General cargo / 2009-11-20 - 2010-05-11 (6 months)
AB Seaman: MT BINTULU - Bunkering Vessel / 2014-07-03 - 2015-02-06 (7 months)
Deck Cadet: Fatima 1 - Bulk Carrier / 2009-04-27 - 2010-04-24 (12 months)
El. Engineer: ВФ танкер 20 - Oil Products Tanker / 2014-09-12 - 2015-01-12 (4 months)
El. Engineer: ВФ танкер 20 - Oil Products Tanker / 2013-12-22 - 2014-05-01 (4 months)
El. Engineer: стр Виданово - Fishing vessel / 2012-09-26 - 2012-12-30 (3 months)
El. Engineer: onix - Reefer / 2010-01-12 - 2011-01-30 (1 year)
Engine Cadet: Miriam Borchard - Container Ship / 2014-08-01 - 2015-01-08 (5 months)
3rd Officer: Alpaca I - Chemical tanker / 2014-06-19 - 2015-01-04 (7 months)
3rd Officer: Simple II - Chemical tanker / 2013-11-12 - 2014-05-29 (7 months)
AB Seaman: White Purl - LPG / LNG / 2013-05-24 - 2013-10-14 (5 months)
AB Seaman: Puma - Chemical tanker / 2012-04-17 - 2012-10-27 (6 months)
AB Seaman: Alpaca I - Chemical tanker / 2011-08-13 - 2012-02-19 (6 months)
Master: Lewek Swift - AHTS / 2014-09-18 - 2014-12-22 (3 months)
Master: LAR - Platform Supply vessel / 2014-04-02 - 2014-07-08 (3 months)
Master: LLY - AHTS / 2013-12-18 - 2014-02-18 (2 months)
AB Seaman: Ngol Cassai - LPG / LNG / 2014-05-30 - 2014-12-09 (6 months)
AB Seaman: Harbour Fountain - Chemical tanker / 2012-07-08 - 2013-01-25 (7 months)
AB Seaman: Harbour Fountain - Chemical tanker / 2012-07-08 - 2013-01-25 (7 months)
AB Seaman: Ngol Dande 1 - Crude Oil Tanker / 2011-04-06 - 2011-10-03 (6 months)
Boatswain: Ngol Dande 1 - Crude Oil Tanker / 2010-03-17 - 2010-10-18 (7 months)
Master: ANNAMARIE - Container Ship / 2014-08-13 - 2014-11-17 (3 months)
Master: ANNAMARIE - Container Ship / 2014-01-15 - 2014-04-23 (3 months)
Master: ANNAMARIE - Container Ship / 2013-06-29 - 2013-10-04 (3 months)
Master: ANNAMARIE - Container Ship / 2012-12-27 - 2013-03-30 (3 months)
Master: ANNAMARIE - Container Ship / 2012-08-03 - 2012-10-09 (2 months)
Utility: Tomson Majesty - Cruise Liner / 2014-01-24 - 2014-10-12 (9 months)
Steward: Aegean Paradise - Cruise Liner / 2013-05-23 - 2013-10-27 (5 months)
Steward: Athena - Cruise Liner / 2012-05-20 - 2012-10-18 (5 months)
Utility: m/y Pegasus - Yacht / 2011-11-16 - 2012-01-19 (2 months)
Utility: Marco Polo - Cruise Liner / 2011-02-21 - 2011-08-27 (6 months)