2nd Engineer

  • Зарплата: $ 8 925 в мес.
  • Тип судна: Passenger vessel
  • Дата посадки: 14/07/2024
  • Длина контракта: 2 месяца
  • Гражданство моряка: Ukraine

  • Флаг судна: Portugal
  • Судовладелец: Canada
  • Название судна: Diamond 11
  • DWT судна: 3433
  • Год постройки: 1974
Информация о вакансии 2nd Engineer (for Passenger vessel):

Судно Diamond XI/ ex Ocean Diamond

Проект в Израиль - Газа. Судно стоит 9-12 миль в израильских водах, функционирует как гостиница на воде. Гуманитарный проект.

Контракт 2+/-1 месяца
Посадка 10 - 15июля

2 Eng -8925USD
2 Motormen - 2500USD

Характеристика судна:

Vessel is now in Gaza 3-12 miles zone. (actually, most of the time she has been on the road of Ashdod, Izrael) vessel chartered to US Military (passengers on board
are US military).

Joining would be around 30th of June. It depends on when and where to US military moves the vessel for crew change purposes.

This project was planned one month with possibility to extend another 4 months. US military is constructing floating pier to deliver aid to Gaza

Concerning Gaza , right now area is not considered war zone by Lloyds or ITF even, but when that will change , all required conditions will apply. Even though ITF is not requiring that owners are willing to pay war risk compensation in addition to salary in sum one month basic salary calculated prorata for the time vessel is in the risk area according to usual ITF rules.

After this project vessel will go to Mozambique to work there for Total gas field constructions.

Contract duration 2 months on 2 off , same continues later in Mozambique (and that project is planned to last for several years – she should be there already, but
project was postponed till October 2024).

165 просмотров (32 сегодня)
Горячие вакансии

2nd Engineer Cyprus Martracon Group

  • Зарплата: $ 6 200 - $ 6 700 в мес.
  • Тип судна: Container Ship
  • Дата посадки: 15/07/2024
  • Длина контракта: 3 месяца

2nd Engineer Estonia Klip Marine Shipmanagement

  • Зарплата: $ 6 984 в мес.
  • Тип судна: General cargo
  • Дата посадки: 15/07/2024
  • Длина контракта: 3 месяца

2nd Engineer BIMS

  • Зарплата: $ 8 100 в мес.
  • Тип судна: Container Ship
  • Дата посадки: 10/08/2024
  • Длина контракта: 4 месяца

Полный список вакансий 2nd Engineer
Больше вакансий для 2nd Engineer на Passenger vessel
  • Зарплата: $ 8 821 в мес.
  • Тип судна: Passenger vessel
  • Дата посадки: 01/08/2024
  • Длина контракта: 4 месяца