
Amatus Crew

Інформація про Amatus Crew

"Amatus Crew" established by professional, confident and experienced recruiters. "Amatus Crew" is a worldwide network of international recruitment agencies working together to facilitate split-fee placements. That means recruiters are sharing information to fill your open positions with top-quality candidates. Our global recruiters have access to a pool of passive candidates. "Amatus Crew" delivers to our partners a world of possibilities through an international recruiting network. Our goal - to efficiently fulfil the high expectations of Employer and Employee. We are open for cooperation with new partners and can guaranty solid confidentiality!

4366 переглядів останнє оновлення: 17.09.2024
Найбільш популярні компанії
23-A, Vladimirsky prospect, “Renaissance Hall”, 6 th Floor, Office 606, St.Petersburg, 191002, Russia

Str Mircea cel Batran NR 152 bis Tomis

ул. Гапсальская, д. 5, офис 704

9 Gagarin Plato, Office #154

г. Одесса, Мукачевский переулок 4В, офис 4
