Kvarner Crewing Services d.o.o.

Інформація про Kvarner Crewing Services d.o.o.

To run a ship safely and efficiently, you need a committed, highly trained and reliable crew.

Kvarner Crewing Services provides first class seafarers for shipowners who expect the best. By working hand-in-hand with our clients, we build up the closest possible relationship between onboard personnel and the shipowner’s office staff.

Our seafarers are devoted to ensuring that the ships they serve on are operated to the best standards. We deliver the highest levels of performance and efficiency at a competitive cost.

We have a recruitment office based in Rijeka in Croatia and a network of recruitment offices in the Philippines, headquartered in Makati-Manila through a partnership with a local company.

2495 переглядів останнє оновлення: 25.11.2024
Найбільш популярні компанії
Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

9 Gagarin Plato, Office #154

г. Одесса, Мукачевский переулок 4В, офис 4

Ukraine, Odessa, 1 Preobrazhenskaya str., off. 7

Eptanisou 28, 3100
