SIDC Group

Інформація про SIDC Group

SIDC Group is one of the leading companies in the Baltic States engaged in Cruise Ship personnel selection and job placement services. Recruitment is our work, our life and purpose. Since 2000 we are engaged in recruiting services. Huge attention in our work is paid to VIP service. Our company's goal is clear and unambiguous - we are looking for people, appreciate, learn about their strengths and weaknesses, recommend and cooperate, and continue searching. We consult our clients in the recruitment process and in hire, do it for a long time and successfully!

11909 переглядів останнє оновлення: 25.11.2024

Вакансії SIDC Group


Cruise Liner (River Fleet)

$ 1 800 - $ 2 800 у міс.

01.03.2025 (6 місяць)

Dining Room Waiter

Cruise Liner (River Fleet)

$ 1 800 - $ 2 800 у міс.

01.03.2025 (6 місяць)


Cruise Liner (River Fleet)

$ 1 800 - $ 3 000 у міс.

01.03.2025 (6 місяць)

 Усі вакансії для моряків
Найбільш популярні компанії
Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

6b Belinskogo Str., office 2, Odessa, Ukraine

пер. Некрасова 7

Ukraine, Odessa, 1 Preobrazhenskaya str., off. 7

Shevchenka Avenue, 2, Odesa
