Hotel Engineer

  • Зарплата: $ 6 000 в мес.
  • Тип судна: Cruise Liner
  • Дата посадки: 23/10/2024
  • Длина контракта: 6 месяцев

  • Флаг судна: Liberia
  • Судовладелец: Liberia
  • Регион работы судна: По всему миру
Информация о вакансии Hotel Engineer (for Cruise Liner):

Job Description of Hotel Engineer :
Reports to the Staff Engineer and the Chief Engineer

- Responsible for the maintenance and repair of all machineries, equipment and systems outside the main engine room

- The Hotel Services Engineer is in charge of all the technical personnel dealing with electrical, electronic, plumbing and air conditioning systems of a cruise ship, as well as chlorination of drinking water, the general water distribution of the ship and that in the swimming pools and jacuzzis .
Joining will be end of October

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