Информация о HEISCO

Heavy Engineering Industries & Shipbuilding Co. K.S.C. (Public), HEISCO, is a major Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contracting company based in Kuwait with a diversified range of business in Oil and Gas, Petrochemicals, Power, Pressure Equipment Manufacturing, Shipbuilding & Repair, Dredging & Marine Construction, Civil Construction, Maintenance and other industrial services including Heavy Industry projects.

6151 просмотров Последнее обновление: 25.11.2024
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Str Mircea cel Batran NR 152 bis Tomis

Украина, г. Одесса, Люстдорфская дорога, 92В

Mala Arnautskaya 17

Сабанський провулок, 3, 11H, Одеса,

Ukraine, Odessa, 1 Preobrazhenskaya str., off. 7
