Electrical Eng.
- Wage: $ 6 602 per month
- Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
- Start date: 30/03/2025
- Contract duration: 4 months
- Seaman Citizenship: Ukraine
- Vessel Flag: Bahamas
- Vessel Owner: Poland
- Trading Region: Worldwide
- Vessel DWT: 40000
- Vessel ME Type: Wartsila
- Vessel Year Built: 2013
Information about vacancy Electrical Eng. (for Bulk Carrier):
Польская стабильная компания, 53 судна.
Балкера 1999-2025 года постройки, 30- 80 тыс ДВТ, оунер поляки, экипаж: Польша, Украина.
Работаем БЕЗ предоплат.
49 viewed (49 today)
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More Vacancies for Electrical Eng. on Bulk Carrier
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- Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
- Start date: 02/04/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: $ 6 602 per month
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- Contract duration: 4 months