Trainee Engineer
- Wage: $ 2 000 per month
- Vessel Type: Chemical tanker
- Start date: 25/03/2025
- Contract duration: 4 months
- Vessel Flag: Panama
- Vessel Owner: United Arab Emirates
- Vessel DWT: 46549
- Vessel ME Type: MAN-B&W
- Main Engine, kW: 8598
- Vessel Year Built: 2008
Information about vacancy Trainee Engineer (for Chemical tanker):
Experience on Chem/Oil tankers, valid documents
Certificate Advanced tankers is required
Good english, mix crew experience
OOEW diploma on hands
132 viewed (42 today)
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- Vessel Type: Chemical tanker
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- Wage: $ 2 000 per month
- Vessel Type: Chemical tanker
- Start date: 25/03/2025
- Contract duration: 4 months