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2nd Electrical Engineer

  • Wage: $ 10 000 per month
  • Vessel Type: Bunkering Vessel
  • Start date: 10/02/2025
  • Contract duration: 3 months
  • Seaman Citizenship: Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, European Union

  • Vessel Flag: Liberia
  • Vessel Owner: Latvia
  • Trading Region: West Africa
  • Vessel Image:
  • Vessel Name: MONJASA REFINER
  • Vessel DWT: 13051
  • Vessel Year Built: 2009
Information about vacancy 2nd Electrical Engineer (for Bunkering Vessel):

Montec Crew Management is seeking an experienced 2nd Engineer for the bunker vessel Monjasa Refiner in Namibia. Mixed crew: Filipino ratings, EU, Russian, Ukrainian, and Georgian officers. Contract: 3 months on/off, with Starlink internet and excellent living conditions. Joining early February. Send your CV and appraisal to . Apply now

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