- Wage: $ 1 701 per month
- Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
- Start date: 15/10/2024
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Seaman Citizenship: Georgia, Russia, Ukraine
- Vessel Flag: Liberia
- Vessel Owner: Greece
- Vessel Name: CAPE GULL
- Vessel DWT: 36320
- Vessel ME Type: MAN-B&W
- Main Engine, kW: 6800
- Vessel Year Built: 2013
Looking for OILER to join Bulker
/ ., Liberian flag, DWT 36320, GT 21699, MAN B&W 6S46MC-C 56800 kW
Joining: middle of October in Marocco
Contract duration : 6M +/-1M
Wages: 1701 usd - 2% (union fee)
Crew: Ukraine, Russia, Georgia
Rank experience on similar vessels is required.
CES test to be passed.
Evgenia +7 921 848 72 76
- Wage: $ 2 400 per month
- Vessel Type: Passenger vessel
- Start date: 15/04/2025
- Contract duration: 3 weeks
- Wage: Salary Negotiable
- Vessel Type: Container Ship
- Start date: 01/04/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: Salary Negotiable
- Vessel Type: Container Ship
- Start date: 01/04/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: $ 1 875 per month
- Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
- Start date: 16/03/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: $ 1 999 per month
- Vessel Type: Bulk Carrier
- Start date: 17/03/2025
- Contract duration: 4 months