Engine Cadet
- Wage: $ 330 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 22/01/2025
- Contract duration: 5 months
- Vessel Flag: Antigua and Barbuda
- Vessel Owner: Latvia
- Trading Region: Baltic Sea
- Vessel Image:
- Vessel Name: CELINA
- Vessel DWT: 6182
- Vessel ME Type: Wartsila
- Main Engine, kW: 2900
- Vessel Year Built: 2001
Looking for Engine cadet on general cargo, DWT 8182 , built in 2000
Salary 200 EUR
Trading area – Europe
5+/-1 months contract
Joining the vsl – beg-middle of November.
Candidates to have:
-Valid STCW certificates
We offer:
-Stable workplace
-Possibility to grow in company
Engine Cadet Ukraine
- Wage: $ 400 per month
- Vessel Type: Reefer
- Start date: 27/01/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
Engine Cadet Ukraine
- Wage: $ 400 per month
- Vessel Type: Reefer
- Start date: 27/01/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
Engine Cadet Ukraine
- Wage: $ 400 per month
- Vessel Type: Reefer
- Start date: 27/01/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: $ 533 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 15/03/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: $ 533 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 09/03/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months
- Wage: $ 412 - $ 533 per month
- Vessel Type: General Cargo
- Start date: 26/02/2025
- Contract duration: 6 months